LeetCode //C - 981. Time Based Key-Value Store

e strictly increasing.At most 2 ∗ 1 0 5 2 * 10^5 2∗105 calls will be made to set and get. From: LeetCode Link: 981. Time Based Key-Value Store Solution: Ideas: Core Concepts: Hash Map for Key Management: ...


一、更改配置文件 参考这个文件路径找到自己Python环境下的matplotlibrc文件并用记事本打开。 用ctrl + F寻找下面的这两行并将前面的#删除,保存并退出。 font.family: sans-seriffont.serif: DejaVu Serif, Bitstream Vera Serif, Computer Modern Roman, New Century Schoolboo...

VSCode - 离线安装扩展python插件教程

1,下载插件 (1)首先使用浏览器打开 VSCode 插件市场link (2)进入插件主页,点击右侧的 Download Extension 链接,将离线安装包下载下来(文件后缀为 .vsix) 2,安装插件 (1)把下载下来的离线安装包复制到 VSCode 的安装目录下的 bin 目录下: (2)打开命令窗口,进入该文件夹,然后执行如下命令进行安装: (3)最后打开 VSCode,可以看到插件已经成功...


urrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 毕竟你要修改么,微软系统也怕你输入有误,会找你二次确认 怎么选自己猜吧~ 我的搞定了 补充一句如果设置完,重新启动Vscode依然不好使,你看下你有没有用管理员权限启动你的Vscode,别怪我没提醒你哦~...

416. 分割等和子集(力扣LeetCode

文章目录 416. 分割等和子集题目描述动态规划一维数组二维数组( 416. 分割等和子集 题目描述 给你一个 只包含正整数 的 非空 数组 nums 。请你判断是否可以将这个数组分割成两个子集,使得两个子集的元素和相等。 示例 1: 输入:nums = [1,5,11,5] 输出:true 解释:数组可以分割成 [1, 5, 5] 和 [11] 。 示例 2: 输入:nums = [1,2,3,5] ...

LeetCode //C - 1146. Snapshot Array

we call snap())At most 5 ∗ 1 0 4 5 * 10^4 5∗104 calls will be made to set, snap, and get. From: LeetCode Link: 1146. Snapshot Array Solution: Ideas: Snapshot Functionality: The ability to take a snapshot ...

LeetCode //C - 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

th1 <= n <= 5000-5000 <= nums[i] <= 5000nums is sorted and rotated between 1 and n times. From: LeetCode Link: 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Solution: Ideas: 1. Initialization: Set two poin...

LeetCode //C - 436. Find Right Interval

starti <= endi <= 10^6 −106<=starti<=endi<=106The start point of each interval is unique. From: LeetCode Link: 436. Find Right Interval Solution: Ideas: Create an array to store the original indices of th...

LeetCode 2923. 找到冠军 I——更好的解法

上一篇博客:LeetCode 2923. 找到冠军 I——每日一题 原题链接:LeetCode 2923. 找到冠军 I 文章目录 更优的解法解题代码 更优的解法  今天看了一下昨天每日一题的题解,发现了更好的解法只需要 O ( n ) {O(n)} O(n) 的时间复杂度就可以解出,而不是像我上一篇博客一样需要 O ( n 2 ) {O(n^2)} O(n2) 的时间复杂度才可以解决。  具体的思路是...

LeetCode //C - 1351. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix

Constraints: m == grid.lengthn == grid[i].length1 <= m, n <= 100-100 <= grid[i][j] <= 100 From: LeetCode Link: 1351. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix Solution: Ideas: This function takes a 2D arr...
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