
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int *numbers;
    int index;

        // Set index value to 0
        mov index, 0
        // Jump to check
        jmp $CHECK_index
        // Increment the value of index by 1
            inc index
        // Check if index >= 9
            cmp index, 9
            jge $END_LOOP
            // Move index value to eax register
            mov eax, index
            // Move value of eax register to array
            mov numbers[TYPE numbers * eax], eax
            // Clean the stack
            add esp, 4

            jmp $INCREMENT_index

            add esp, 4

    return 0;



#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int *numbers = new int[10];   // <--- Missing allocate
    int index;

        // Set index value to 0
        mov index, 0

        // Check if index >= 9
            cmp index, 9
            jge $END_LOOP

            // Move index value to eax register
            mov eax, index

            // Move value of eax register to array
            mov numbers[TYPE numbers * eax], eax

            // Increment the value of index by 1
            inc index           // <---- inc is cleaner here
            jmp $CHECK_index


    return 0;


10-07 22:49