我是Java新手,正在为OCJP考试读一本书。在本书中,非静态内部类只有在声明为static final的情况下才能具有静态成员。但是,当我尝试创建容器类的static final object时出现编译错误。

class Logger {
    private Logger() {
        // private constructor for singleton

    public class LoggerHolder { // non static inner class
        public static final int x =10; // No compile here
        public static final Logger logger = new Logger();  //Compile error

    //"The field logger cannot be declared static; static fields can only be declared in static or top //level types"

    public static Logger getInstance() {
        return LoggerHolder.logger;


actual rule是静态字段必须是一个常量变量-既是final也是原语或Stringx很好,因为int是原始元素; Logger不是。


09-16 17:50