
/bin/wl -i wl0(interface) deauthenticate $mac



/bin/wl -i wl1 assoclist | cut -f2 -d " " > /tmp/wl_assoclist



#Gets the client MAC address
/bin/wl -i wl1 assoclist | cut -f2 -d " " > /tmp/wl_assoclist

#disconnect all wifi clients to update dhcp information
cat '/tmp/wl_assoclist' | while read mac
/bin/wl -i wl0 deauthenticate $mac
/bin/wl -i wl1 deauthenticate $mac



wl -i wl0 chanspecs

wl -i wl0 channel

wl -i wl0 chan_info


wl -i wl0 radar 2 模拟被雷达打到

acs_cli -i wl0 msglevel 0x0684 打开acs debug
acs_cli -i wl1 -R 查看auto channel select的result

wl -i wl1 chanim_stats 查看Air中的noise信息
wl -i wl1 edcrs disable Adaptivity(Adaptivity 的功能是說如果當 air 中太多 beacon 在發送時,DUT會暫時停止發送 beacon 一陣子)
wl -i wl1 phy_ed_thresh 0 调整 threshold

wl -i wl1 interference_override 0 把 anti-interference 的功能关闭

wl -i wl1 radio
returns the current state of the radio. For example, 0x0000 when ON or 0x0005 when OFF, and so on.

wl -i wl1 chanspec 6
Set current or configured channel

wl -i wl1 status

dhd -i wl1 dump

wl -i wl1 counters

wl ver

wl -i wl1 chanim_acs_record

wl -i wl1 chanim_mode

wl -i wl1 dtim

wl -i wl1 phy_rssi_ant

wl -i wl1 txpwr1 -o -d 20


查看 wifi 状态

wl -i wl1 status	//2.4G
wl -i wl0 status	//5G


查看客户端连接wifi 状态

wl -i wl1 assoclist
wl -i wl0 assoclist


01-23 17:39