
1 Introduction


  (1) we model comments both as a:

    (i) stream to capture the temporal nature of evolving comments; 

    (ii) network by following the conversational structure (see Figure 1 for an illustration);

  (2) our comment network uses sequence model to encode a pair of comments before feeding them to a graph network, allowing our model to capture the nuanced charac- teristics (e.g. agreement or rebuttal) exhibited by a reply;

  (3) when modelling the users who engage with a story via graph networks, we initialise the user nodes with encodings learned from their profiles and characteristics of their “friends” based on their social networks.

2 Problem Statement

  谣言检测(DUCK)《DUCK: Rumour Detection on Social Media by Modelling User and Comment Propagation Networks》-LMLPHP

3 Methodology


  谣言检测(DUCK)《DUCK: Rumour Detection on Social Media by Modelling User and Comment Propagation Networks》-LMLPHP


  (1) comment tree: models the comment network by following the reply-to structure using a combination of BERT and graph attentional networks;
  (2) comment chain: models the comments as a stream using transformer-based sequence models;
  (3) user tree: incorporates social relations to model the user network using graph attentional networks;
  (4) rumour classifier: combines the output from comment tree, comment chain and user tree to classify the source post.

  请注意,user tree 的网络结构不同于 comment tree 的网络结构,因为前者同时捕获 comment 和 reposts/retweets,但后者只考虑 comment(Figure 1)。

3.1 Comment Tree

  基于 GNN 的建模 comment 之间的关系的模型通常使用的是简单的文本特征(bag-of-words),忽略了 comment 之间的微妙关系("stance" or "deny")关系。

  所以,本文采用预训练语言模型 BERT 和 GAT 去建模 comment tree ,具体参见 Figure 2:

  谣言检测(DUCK)《DUCK: Rumour Detection on Social Media by Modelling User and Comment Propagation Networks》-LMLPHP

  首先,使用 BERT 去处理一对 parent-child posts ,然后使用 GAT 去建模整个 conversational strucure 。( self-attention 在 parent-child 之间的词产生细粒度的分析)

  以 Figure 2 中的 comment tree 为例,这意味着我们将首先使用 BERT 处理以下几对 comments {(0, 0),(0, 1),(0, 2),(2, 6),(2, 7),(6, 9)}:

    $h_{p+q}=\mathrm{BERT}\left(\mathrm{emb}\left([C L S], c_{p},[S E P], c_{q}\right)\right)$

  其中,$c$ 表示 text,$emb()$ 表示 embedding function,$h$ 表示由 BERT 产生的 [CLS] 标记的上下文表示。

  为了模拟 conversational network structure ,本文使用图注意网络 GAT。为了计算 $h_{i}^{(l+1)}$,在迭代 $l+1$ 次时对节点 $i$ 的编码:

    $\begin{array}{l}e_{i j}^{(l)} &=&\operatorname{LR}\left(a^{(l)^{T}}\left(W^{(l)} h_{i}^{(l)} \oplus W^{(l)} h_{j}^{(l)}\right)\right) \\h_{i}^{(l+1)} &=&\sigma\left(\sum\limits _{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)} \operatorname{softmax}\left(e_{i j}^{(l)}\right) z_{j}^{(l)}\right)\end{array}$

  为了聚合节点编码以得到一个图表示($\left(z_{c t}\right)$),探索了四种方法:

  root:Uses the root encoding to represent the graph as the source post

    $z_{c t}=h_{0}^{L}$

  $\neg root$: Mean-pooling over all nodes except the root:

    $z_{c t}=\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} h_{i}^{L}$

    where $m$ is the number of replies/comments.

  $\Delta$ : Mean-pooling of the root node and its immediate neighbours:

    $z_{c t}=\frac{1}{|\mathcal{N}(0)|} \sum_{i \in \mathcal{N}(0)} h_{i}^{L}$

  all: Mean-pooling of all nodes:

    $z_{c t}=\frac{1}{m+1} \sum_{i=0}^{m} h_{i}^{L}$

3.2 Comment Chain

  本文按照它们发布的顺序将这些帖子建模为一个流结构,而不是一个树结构,处理 comment chain 考虑了三种模型:

  (1) one-tier transformer
  (2) longformer
  (3) two-tier transformer

3.2.1 One-tier transformer

  给定一个源帖子 $\left(c_{0}\right)$ 和 comment $\left(\left\{c_{1}, \ldots, c_{m}\right\}\right)$,我们可以简单地将它们连接成一个长字符串,并将其提供给 BERT:

    $z_{c c}=\operatorname{BERT}\left(\mathrm{emb}\left([C L S], c_{0},[S E P], c_{1}, \ldots, c_{m^{\prime}}\right)\right)$

  其中,$m^{\prime}(<m)$ 是我们可以合并的不超过 BERT 的最大序列长度的 comment(实验中是384个)。

3.2.2 Longformer

  为规避序列长度的限制,实验使用了一个 Longformer,它可以处理多达4096个子词,允许使用大部分 comment,如果不是所有的评论。

  Longformer 具有与 one-tier transformer 类似的架构,但使用更稀疏的注意模式来更有效地处理更长的序列。我们使用一个预先训练过的 Longformer,并遵循与之前相同的方法来建模 comment chain:

    $z_{c c}=\mathrm{LF}\left(\operatorname{emb}\left([C L S], c_{0},[S E P], c_{1}, \ldots, c_{m^{\prime \prime}}\right)\right)$

  其中,$m^{\prime \prime} \approx m$

3.2.3 Two-tier transformer

  解决序列长度限制的另一种方法是使用 two tiers of transformers 对 comment chain 进行建模:一层用于独立处理帖子,另一种用于使用来自第一个 transformer 的表示来处理帖子序列。

    $\begin{array}{l}h_{i} &=&\operatorname{BERT}\left(\mathrm{emb}_{1}\left([C L S], c_{i}\right)\right) \\z_{c c} &=&\operatorname{transformer}\left(\operatorname{emb}_{2}([C L S]), h_{0}, h_{1}, \ldots, h_{m}\right)\end{array}$

  其中,BERT 和 transformer 分别表示 first-tier transformers 和 second-tier transformers。econd-tier transformers 具有与 BERT 类似的架构,但只有 2 层,其参数是随机初始化的。

3.3 User Tree

  我们探索了三种都是基于 GAT 建模 user network 的方法,并通过 mean-pooling 所有节点来聚合节点编码,以生成图表示:

    $z_{u t}=\frac{1}{m+1} \sum\limits_{i=0}^{m} h_{i}^{L}$

  这三种方法之间的主要区别在于它们如何初始化用户节点 $\left(h_{i}^{(0)}\right)$:

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