

我有一个用ASP.NET MVC 3编写的网站。我整理了一些针对该网站的浏览器自动化测试。我想使用同一组测试来计算网站代码的代码覆盖率。

I have a website written in ASP.NET MVC 3. I have put together some browser automation tests that target this website. I want to use this same set of tests to calculate the code coverage of the website code.


I know that NCover does this kind of work but based on my knowledge there are two issues. One, NCover gives code coverage figures for both framework's code and my code. Two, it's costly.



NCover has filters that you can use to ignore the framework code.


You could also use OpenCover or PartCover to get these metrics and they are both open source and free - they also have filters.

将它们连接到IIS很难,但是如果用于自动化测试,则可以针对IIS express运行测试-更加容易。

Hooking them into IIS is tricky but if it is for automation tests then you can run your tests against IIS express - much easier.


09-27 02:12