本文介绍了我们还能从 Google Play 中删除从未发布过的应用吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们开发和发布我们自己的应用以及供其他人在 Google Play 上发布的应用.当 Google Play 还是 Android Market 时,我们使用以下策略来测试我们为他人开发的应用中的许可代码:

We develop and publish our own apps as well as apps for others to publish on Google Play. Back when Google Play was Android Market, we used the following strategy for testing the licensing code in apps we developed for others:

  1. 将应用上传(但不发布)到我们的发布者帐户.该应用包含我们的发布者公钥和许可证检查代码.
  2. 在我们通过开发者控制台设置不同的许可响应时测试应用.
  3. 当我们对一切正常运行感到满意时,我们从我们的 Android Market 帐户中删除了上传的应用程序.我们可以这样做,因为该应用从未发布过.
  4. 将许可代码中的发布者公钥更改为我们合作伙伴的公钥.
  5. 将 .apk 交付给我们的合作伙伴,以便在他们的 Android 电子市场上的发布者帐户中发布.之所以成功,是因为我们已从 Android Market 帐户中删除了该应用.

自从我们这样做以来,这是一年中最好的部分.有谁知道 Google Play 是否可以使用相同的策略?特别是,上面粗体部分仍然有效吗?是否仍然可以完全删除已上传但从未发布的应用的所有痕迹,以便其他人可以上传和发布?

It's been the better part of a year since we did this. Does anyone know if the same strategy can be used with Google Play? In particular, do the parts in bold above still work? Is it still possible to complete remove all traces of an app that has been uploaded but never been published, so that someone else can then upload and publish it?


One alternative, which we will do if we must, is to change the app's package name for our license testing phase. However, this is complex and can introduce additional errors when we change the package name back.


Another alternative is for our partner to set up a user account for us. However, while user accounts can be restricted from viewing financial data, they cannot (as far as we can tell) be restricted to working with a single app. We can understand why partners would not want to allow such broad access.



遗憾的是,Google Play 根本不再支持草稿应用.所以整个策略都失效了.请参阅 有关测试应用内结算的 Android 文档了解替代方案Google 提供的.

Sadly, Google Play no longer supports draft apps at all. So the entire strategy is defunct. See the Android docs on testing in-app billing for the alternatives that Google has provided.


嗯,答案是该策略仍然有效.如果您从未发布过该应用程序,您可以从 Google Play 中删除它的所有痕迹,然后另一个发布者帐户可以上传具有相同软件包名称的应用程序.您需要做的就是停用(如有必要),然后删除所有 .apk 文件,该应用将从您的开发者控制台中消失.

Well, the answer is that the strategy still works. If you've never published the app, you can remove all traces of it from Google Play and another publisher account can then upload an app with the same package name. All you need to do is deactivate (if necessary) and then delete all .apk files and the app will disappear from your developer console.

如果应用曾经发布过,这将不起作用.您可以取消发布应用程序,但不能删除在应用程序发布时曾经处于活动状态的任何 .apk 文件.(据我所知,这种行为没有记录.)这很不幸;如果能够完全删除任何人从未下载过的应用程序的所有痕迹,那就太好了.更好的是模拟 Google Play 各个方面的沙盒区域,包括购买您自己的应用程序(并且支持通过模拟器进行操作).

If the app was ever published, this will not work. You can unpublish an app, but you cannot delete any .apk files that were ever active while the app was published. (This behavior is undocumented as far as I can find.) This is unfortunate; it would be nice to be able to completely remove all traces of an app that was never downloaded by anyone. Even better would be a sandbox area that emulated all aspects of Google Play, including buying your own app (and would support doing it through the emulator).

我还发现,将更改传播到所有 Google Play 服务器所涉及的延迟似乎比一年前在 Android 电子市场中更糟糕.在一种情况下,在测试许可证响应时,我必须在上传(但未发布)应用程序后等待两个小时,然后响应才以NOT_MARKET_MANAGED"的形式返回.

I also discovered that the delays involved in propagating changes to all Google Play servers seems worse than it did a year ago with Android Market. In one case, when testing license responses I had to wait two hours after uploading (but not publishing) an app before the response came back as anything from "NOT_MARKET_MANAGED".

这篇关于我们还能从 Google Play 中删除从未发布过的应用吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-27 01:41