



我尝试过使用函数 MailApp.sendEmail({recipient,subject,htmlBody:body} ); ,但是当定义我的var body时,我显然有问题。

范围可能类似于 A1:E15 ,其中A行包含标题。





我发布了,并带有一个 convertRange2html()函数,该函数可以给定一个Range对象,并将内容作为格式化的HTML表格返回。 (图书馆代码可以的形式提供。)


$ b 要获取发送给您自己的电子表格的所有数据作为HTML表格:

var recipient = Session.getActiveUser()。getEmail();
var subject =电子表格内容;
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()。getDataRange();
var htmlTable = SheetConverter.convertRange2html(range);
var body =这里是表格:< br />< br />
+ htmlTable
+< br />< br />结束。

I am trying to send some data automatically from a Google Spreadsheet.It works OK, but the layout is plain text with no formatting, as in a standard CSV file.

I found the Sending emails from a Spreadsheet tutorial in the Google Developer site, and I want a range from my Google Spreadsheet to be added as HTMLin the mail content. But I cannot figure out how to do this.

I have tried with the function MailApp.sendEmail ({recipient, subject, htmlBody: body});, but when defining my "var body" I obviously have the problem.

The range would be something like A1:E15, where row A contains the headline.

As a result in the mail I get this:

All I need is basically the data in rows and columns as in the spreadsheetThe brilliant solution would be to define a start position like cell A1 and then show/use data until next empty row.


Since you already have code that sends data from the spreadsheet, we'll only look at how to generate the HTML body for nicely formatted output.

I've published the SheetConverter Library, with a convertRange2html() function that can be given a Range object and return the contents as a formatted HTML table. (The library code is available as a gist.)

If libraries are new to you, read the Libraries overview from the Google Developers site.

To get all the data of a spreadsheet sent to yourself as an HTML table:

var recipient = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var subject = "Spreadsheet contents";
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange();
var htmlTable = SheetConverter.convertRange2html(range);
var body = "Here is the table:<br/><br/>"
         + htmlTable
         + "<br/><br/>The end."
MailApp.sendEmail({recipient, subject, htmlBody: body});


09-27 16:29