本文介绍了图像平均减法与BatchNormalization - Caffe的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我在我的caffemodel中使用BatchNormalization Layer时,我是否仍然需要在训练阶段开始之前的所有训练中的预处理步骤图像均值减法?或者这是在BatchNormalization Layer中完成的?

i have a question regarding Image preprocessing in Caffe.When i use the BatchNormalization Layer in my caffemodel, do i still need the preprocessing step "image mean subtraction" on all my trainings Images before Training Phase starts? Or is this done in the BatchNormalization Layer ?




Image mean subtraction does something different than BatchNormalization and is used for a different purpose.


BatchNormalization normalizes a batch and not every single image and is more used to keep the data distributed well and to combat high activations and therefore overfitting. Afterwards not every image has the 0 mean, but the combination of the batch has 0 mean. It would only be the same if the batchsize is 1.

图像平均减法主要用于对抗输入空间中的照明变化。 http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Data_Preprocessing

Image mean subtraction is mostly used to combat illumination changes in the input space. http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Data_Preprocessing


Depending on your specific example you may get good results by applying batch normalization after the input instead of using per mean subtraction, but you will need to test this.

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10-13 19:32