本文介绍了将数据和索引数据保存在内存中 - InnoDB与MyISAM的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设一个包含1 GB数据和1 GB索引数据的数据库。

Assume a database consisting of 1 GB of data and 1 GB of index data.


To minimize disk IO and hence maximize performance I want to allocate memory to MySQL so that the entire dataset including indexes can be kept in RAM (assume that the machine has RAM in abundance).

InnoDB参数 innodb_buffer_pool_size 用于指定InnoDB用于缓存其表的数据和索引的内存缓冲区的大小。 (注意:内存用于数据 AND 索引。)

The InnoDB parameter innodb_buffer_pool_size is used to specify the size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables. (Note: The memory is used for data AND indexes.)

MyISAM参数 key_buffer_size 用于指定MyISAM用于缓存其表的索引的内存缓冲区的大小。 (注意:内存只用于 ONLY 索引。)

The MyISAM parameter key_buffer_size is used to specify the size of the memory buffer MyISAM uses to cache indexes of its tables. (Note: The memory is used ONLY for indexes.)

如果我想要2 GB数据库(1 GB数据和1 GB索引)以适应InnoDB下的内存,我只需将 innodb_buffer_pool_size 配置为 2GB

If I want the 2 GB database (1 GB data and 1 GB index) to fit into memory under InnoDB, I'd simply configure the innodb_buffer_pool_size to be 2GB. The two gigabytes will hold both the data and the index.

但是,当设置MyISAM键 key_buffer_size 2GB ,该空间将用于索引,但不用于数据。

However, when setting the MyISAM key key_buffer_size to 2GB that space will be used for the index, but not for the data.


  • MyISAM的数据缓冲区大小


  • 没有MyISAM没有通用数据缓存。这在:这是因为MySQL依靠操作系统来执行文件系统缓存以进行数据读取,因此您必须为文件系统缓存留出一些空间。

    • No MyISAM has no general purpose data cache. This is documented in the "key_buffer_size" description from the official documentation: This is because MySQL relies on the operating system to perform file system caching for data reads, so you must leave some room for the file system cache.
    • 现代操作系统,尤其是Linux,往往具有非常智能的虚拟内存子系统,它们将频繁访问的文件保存在页面缓存中,

      Modern OSes, especially Linux, tend to have very smart virtual memory subsystems that will keep frequently accessed files in the page cache, so disk I/O is kept at a bare minimum when the working set fits in available memory.

      • 所以,为了回答你的第二个问题:从不。 / li>
      • So to answer your second question: never.

      对于各种myisam变量,如read_buffer_size,read_rnd_buffer_size,sort_buffer_size,join_buffer_size等,重要的是不要陷入一些是动态分配的,所以更大的并不总是意味着更快 - 有时甚至更慢 - 看这个。 ,您可能需要对进行基准测试对你的工作负载,它应该通过减少malloc()调用的数量来帮助高争用案例。

      If you're on 5.1 on a posix platform, you might want to benchmark myisam_use_mmap on your workload, it's supposed to help high contention cases by reducing the quantity of malloc() calls.

      这篇关于将数据和索引数据保存在内存中 - InnoDB与MyISAM的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-21 10:42