


In an answer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/700588/is-it-safe-to-store-objects-of-a-class-which-has-an-stdautoptr-as-its-member-v I stated that a class that contained an auto_ptr could be stored in a vector provided the class had a user-defined copy constructor.


There were several comment suggesting that this was not the case, so this question is an attempt to clear the issue up. Consider the following code:

#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct Z {};

struct A {

    A( Z z ) 
    	: p( new Z(z) ) {} 

    A( const A & a ) 
    	: p( a.p.get() ? new Z( *a.p.get()) : 0 ) {}

    // no assigment op or dtor defined by intent

    auto_ptr <Z> p;

int main() {
    vector <A> av;				
    Z z;					
    A a(z);
    av.push_back( a );		
    av.push_back( A(z) );	

行为在C ++标准的含义中。我不感兴趣的类是有用的,良好的行为,可排序,或它如何在例外下执行。

Please examine the above & in your reply indicate where undefined behaviour in the meaning of the C++ Standard could occur for this particular class used in this particular way. I am not interested whether the class is useful, well-behaved, sortable, or how it performs under exceptions.

请注意,这不是一个问题关于创建auto_ptrs的向量的有效性 - 我非常清楚这个问题。



Trying to put the list of places together that makes the example undefined behavior.

#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct Z {};

struct A {

    A( Z z ) 
        : p( new Z(z) ) {} 

    A( const A & a ) 
        : p( a.p.get() ? new Z( *a.p.get()) : 0 ) {}

    // no assigment op or dtor defined by intent

    auto_ptr <Z> p;

int main() {
    vector <A> av;  

我将检查一行其中使用您的类型 A 实例化向量。标准必须说

I will examine the lines up to the one where you instantiate the vector with your type A. The Standard has to say

23.1 / 3

23.1 / 4 (强调我):

|expression |return type    |postcondition        |
|t = u      |T&             |t is equivalent to u |


12.8 / 10

X& X::operator=(const X&)


  • X的每个直接基类B具有参数为const B&

  • ,每个这样的类类型具有参数为类型const M& const,volatile M&或M。


Otherwise, the implicitly declared copy assignment operator will have the form

X& X::operator=(X&)

和第二个最后一句)和/ 2


In particular, the effects are undefined in the following cases:

  • 用于在实例化模板组件时用作模板参数的类型,如果类型上的操作不实现适用的要求子句的语义(20.1.5, 23.1,24.1,26.1)。这种类型的操作可以通过抛出异常来报告失败,除非另有规定。

你将看到 auto_ptr 的规范,你会注意到它有一个复制赋值运算符,它接受一个非const auto_ptr 。因此,类的隐式声明的复制赋值操作符将采用非const类型作为其参数。如果你仔细阅读上面的地方,你会看到它如何说,实例化一个矢量与你的类型写为是未定义的行为。

Now, if you look at the specification of auto_ptr you will note it has a copy-assignment operator that takes a non-const auto_ptr. Thus, the implicitly declared copy assignment operator of your class will also take a non-const type as its parameter. If you read the above places carefully, you will see how it says that instantiating a vector with your type as written is undefined behavior.


10-29 15:02