本文介绍了我可以同时使用 SourceTree 和 GitHub 应用程序吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


作为新手,我更喜欢 GitHub 应用程序本身的简单性,以便在我们的 GitHub 托管的 git 项目上工作.但是,要同步/推拉另一个遥控器,我需要尝试 SourceTree.(我没有足够的信心将所有内容都保存在命令行中.)

As a novice, I prefer the simplicity of the GitHub app itself to work on our GitHub-hosted git project. However, to sync/push-and-pull another remote, I need to try SourceTree. (I am not confident enough to keep everything in the command line.)

我可以使用 GitHub 应用程序对我的(主)本地存储库进行大部分编辑并与 GitHub.com 同步,并且只是偶尔启动 SourceTree 进行同步(我的主本地存储库,因为我无法同步 github.com 远程存储库)直接连接到另一个遥控器,我可以吗?)使用辅助遥控器?这会在没有任何冲突的情况下工作吗?

Can I use the GitHub app for most editing of my (main) local repo and syncing with GitHub.com, and only occasionally fire up SourceTree to sync (my main local repo, as a I cannot sync the github.com remote directly to another remote, can I?) with the secondary remote? Would this work without any conflicts?

对于那些感兴趣的人:我需要共享位置的辅助遥控器,因为它也与无法访问互联网的帐户共享以直接与 github.com 存储库同步.

For those interested: I need the secondary remote on a shared location because it is also shared with accounts that cannot reach the internet to sync with the github.com repo directly.


同时使用这两个应用程序绝对没有问题,git repos 是您计算机上的 juste 文件夹,两个应用程序都只是在可视化界面中向您展示你的回购是什么样的.

There is absolutely no problem to work with both apps at the same time, git repos are juste folders on your computer and both apps simply show you in a visual interface what your repos look like.

例如,如果您使用 GitHub 应用程序对本地 GitHub 存储库进行修改,然后使用 SourceTree 打开同一个存储库,您将看到您使用 GitHub 应用程序所做的所有待处理的修改.

For example if you make modification on your local GitHub repo using the GitHub app and you then open this same repo with SourceTree, you'll see every pending modifications you made with the GitHub app.

每个 git repo 只有一个索引,两个应用都会读取相同的索引并显示相同的信息.一侧所做的修改将在另一侧可见.

There is only one index for each git repo, both apps will read the same index and show the same information. The modifications made on one side will be visible on the other side.


这篇关于我可以同时使用 SourceTree 和 GitHub 应用程序吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-19 01:18