

我想移动使用TranslateAnimation一些线性布局。我有2个问题。我的基地SDK的是Android 2.2。

I wanted to move some linear layout using TranslateAnimation. I have 2 problems. My base SDK is Android 2.2.

  1. 即使当动画完成后,可触摸区域中的线性布局未动的。
  2. 在屏幕上闪现的一对夫妇帧的动画结束之后。

起初,我没有使用AnimationListener和LinearLayout.layout()。当我用下面的code fnished动画,视图的位置确实变了。但似乎可触摸面积不动了动画中的观点。其结果是,当我试图点击任何按钮上的动画后认为,什么都没有发生。如果我点击了按钮的原始区域(原区前的动画发生),则on_click_listener被triggerred。

At first, I didn't use AnimationListener and LinearLayout.layout(). When I fnished the animation using the following code, the position of the view was indeed changed. But it seemed that the touchable area was not moved with the view during animation. As a result, when I tried to clicked any of the buttons on the view after animation, nothing happened. If I clicked the original area of the buttons (the original area before the animation took place), the on_click_listener was triggerred.


Then i deleted this line of code,


和尝试的 AnimationListener LinearLayout.layout()。它确实帮助和sovled第一问题。

and tried AnimationListener and LinearLayout.layout(). It did help and sovled the 1st problem.


But there came the 2 problem. After the animation, some of my linear layouts would flash for a couple of frames and then back to order.

我已经试过 midLinearlayout.requestLayout(),它不干活试图实现Animation.AnimationListener并覆盖onAnimationEnd就像有人说的,但它也不行。

I've tried midLinearlayout.requestLayout(), it doesn't work.I tried implemented Animation.AnimationListener and override onAnimationEnd like someone said,but it doesn't work either.

TranslateAnimation tmpAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(midLinearlayout.getLeft(),midLinearlayout.getLeft(),midLinearlayout.getTop(),midLinearlayout.getTop()+100);


tmpAnimation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
                    public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
                        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
                        Log.v("onflingTest","top="+midLinearlayout.getTop()+" left="+midLinearlayout.getLeft()+" right" + midLinearlayout.getRight());
                        midLinearlayout.layout(midLinearlayout.getLeft(), midLinearlayout.getTop()+100, midLinearlayout.getLeft() + midLinearlayout.getMeasuredWidth(), midLinearlayout.getTop()+ 100 + midLinearlayout.getMeasuredHeight());

                    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
                        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.


I've solve this by the code below:


见链接:EditText动画和活着回来滚动后stucks ......?

see the link:EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling......?



I solved the issue with the help from post View.GONE in animation complete


The problem is after layout B completes the animation, i missed to make the view state as View.GONE. Adding View.GONE brought back the controls.


05-24 06:36