本文介绍了EC2实例角色在尝试aws s3 cp KMS加密文件时获得“未知”错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 ASG ,为每个添加的实例分配一个 IAM角色。因此,每个实例都具有 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY 环境变量,其将在实例化下载时使用,解密存储在 S3 桶中并使用 KMS 密钥加密的凭据。

I've got an ASG that assigns an IAM Role to each of the instances that join it. Therefore, each instance has the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables baked-in, which will be used upon instantiation to download and decrypt credentials that are stored in an S3 bucket and encrypted using KMS keys.


  • 一个 S3 桶称为 top-secret.myapp.com

  • 此桶中的所有对象都使用 KMS 密钥加密,名为 My-KMS-Key

  • 一个 IAM 带有内联策略的实例角色,赋予它与桶和 KMS 用于加密/解密桶内容的密钥(见下文)

  • 安装的$ 用户数据脚本实例化后的 aws-cli 然后尝试从 top-secret.myapp.com 桶。

  • An S3 bucket called top-secret.myapp.com
  • All objects in this bucket are encrypted using a KMS key called My-KMS-Key
  • An IAM instance role with inline policies attached granting it the ability to interact with both the bucket and the KMS key used to encrypt/decrypt the contents of the bucket (see below)
  • A user data script that installs the aws-cli upon instantiation and then goes about attempting to download and decrypt an object from the top-secret.myapp.com bucket.



Upon instantiation, any given instance runs the following script:


apt-get update
apt-get -y install python-pip
apt-get -y install awscli

cd /home/ubuntu
aws s3 cp s3://top-secret.myapp.com/secrets.sh . --region us-east-1
chmod +x secrets.sh
. secrets.sh
shred -u -z -n 27 secrets.sh


IAM 角色为我的 ASG 实例有三个政策附带内联:

The IAM role for my ASG instances has three policies attached inline:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": "*"

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:UUID-OF-MY-SECRET-KEY-HERE"

第一个策略本质上是一个全根访问策略,没有限制。或者所以我想,但它不工作。所以我认为这可能是我需要明确地应用允许与 S3 加密和/或 KMS 进行交互的策略,有理由

The first policy is essentially a full-root-access policy with no restrictions. Or so I thought, but it doesn't work. So I thought it might be that I need to explicitly apply policies that allow interaction with S3 encryption and/or KMS, makes sense.

所以我添加了允许 IAM 实例角色列出 top-secret.myapp.com bucket和 LIST GET code> secrets.sh 对象在桶中。但是这会产生如下所示的错误。

So I added the second policy that allows the IAM instance role to list the top-secret.myapp.com bucket, and LIST and GET the secrets.sh object within the bucket. But this produced the error illustrated below.


download failed: s3://top-secret.myapp.com/secrets.sh to ./secrets.sh
A client error (Unknown) occurred when calling the GetObject operation: Unknown


Anyone have any idea what could be causing this error?



For me, the issue was two-fold:

  1. 如果您通过KMS使用服务器端加密,则需要提供 - sse aws:kms 标记到 aws s3 cp [...] 命令。

  2. 我正在通过 apt awscli (版本1.2.9) c>,那个版本无法识别 - sse aws:kms 命令

    • 正在运行 apt-get remove awscli 并通过安装安装awscli 给了我的版本1.10.51,这是有效的。 >
  1. If you're using server-side encryption via KMS, you need to supply the --sse aws:kms flag to the aws s3 cp [...] command.
  2. I was installing an out-of-date version of awscli (version 1.2.9) via apt, and that version didn't recognize the --sse aws:kms command
    • Running apt-get remove awscli and installing via pip install awscli gave me version 1.10.51, which worked.



If you're using a different KMS key than the default master key for your account, you will need to also add the following flag:

- sse-kms-key-id [您的KMS密钥ID]

这篇关于EC2实例角色在尝试aws s3 cp KMS加密文件时获得“未知”错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-24 07:23