


I am just starting to learn F#. In several F# coding examples I see the keyword "in" used in the following way:

let doStuff x =
    let first, second = x in
    first + " " + second


The function works with and without the "in" at then end of the second line. What does "in" do?



in is a hangover from F#'s OCaml roots and it specifies bound variables, which are subtly different to variable scopes.


Think of variable binding as follows; You have an expression:

first + " " + second

由于它代表第一第二是绑定 - 他们没有任何固定值 - 让前pression具有present没有具体的价值。通过使用

As it stands first and second are unbound - they don't have any fixed values - so that expression has no concrete value at present. By using

let (...) in

语法要指定这些变量是如何在EX pression 绑定的,所以你的例子将使用变量替换,以减少功能下降到

syntax you are specifying how those variables are bound in that expression, so your example will use variable substitution to reduce that function down to

let doStuff x =
  x + " " + x


In this example both forms are identical, but imagine the following:

let (x = 2 and y = x + 2) in
     y + x


let (x = 2 and y = x + 2)
     y + x

由于在前者的情况下 X 只能被绑定的关键字。

Because in the former case x is only bound after the in keyword.


In the later case normal variable scoping rules take effect, so variables are bound as soon as they are declared.

希望扫清事情了。一般来说,你应该总是使用版本的没有并指定 #light 在开始您的F#源文件

Hope that clears things up. In general you should always use the version without in and specify #light at the start of your F# source files


05-25 02:23