

我尝试读取x86_64寄存器 rip 的值。这是 objdump 显示的内容。

I try to read the value of x86_64 register rip. Here is what objdump shows.

4017ec: 48 8d 35 00 00 00 00  lea    0x0(%rip),%rsi
4017f3: 41 89 d4              mov    %edx,%r12d

我希望在执行指令 0x4017ec 之后, rsi 的值应为 0x4017ec 。但是它是 0x4017f3 ,这是下一条指令的地址。

I expect that after instruction 0x4017ec is executed, the value of rsi should be 0x4017ec. However it is 0x4017f3, which is the address of the next instruction.

我使用gdb在<$处停止c $ c> 0x4017ec ,那时 rip 的值是 0x4017ec 。为什么当时 rip 的值未加载 rsi ?处理器是否应该从 0x4017ec 中读取指令?

I use gdb to stop at 0x4017ec and at that time the value of rip is 0x4017ec. Why is rsi not loaded by the value of rip at that time? Should the processor read instruction from 0x4017ec?



Depends on the architecture %rip holds either the current executing instruction or the next instruction to be executed. Here you added a breakpoint before 0x4017ec which means the next instruction to be executed is 0x4017ec. But %rsi will be loaded only after executing the first instruction. By then %rip would have already updated to point to the next instruction.


07-01 10:02