

这不是我第一次收到 RuntimeError:底层 C/C++ 对象已被删除.我已经解决了很多次以随机但直观的方式更改我的代码,但现在我再次面临这个问题,只是不明白为什么会发生这种情况......我要的是一种通用的方法来面对和解决这个错误.

It's not the first time I am getting the RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted. I've solved it many times altering my code in a random but intuitive way but now I am facing this again and just don't understand why it happens...What I ask for is a generic approach to confront and solve this error.


I will not post code samples here because my project is too complex and I just can't figure out where's the bug. And also because I am asking for the universal solution not just for this case.

为什么可以删除底层 C/C++"对象?



You cannot test if the underlying object exists (e.g., if it has been "deleted"). There is some "trickery" you can employ to "kind-of" help with this, but I don't recommend it. Rather, IMHO, I'd guess your design lacks strong ownership semantics. (That may be necessary depending on the complexity of the problem and your domain, but I'd recommend against it, if it is avoidable.)

您的问题是所有权语义.尤其是在 C++ 中,与使用内存垃圾收集"的其他语言相反,您必须有一个设计,其中您对谁拥有什么"有深刻的理解.您的设计应该简单明了"地了解存在哪些对象,以及谁拥有"它们.

Your problem is ownership semantics. Most especially in C++, as opposed to other languages that employ memory "garbage collection", you MUST have a design where you have a strong understanding of "who owns what". Your design should make it "easy and obvious" to know what objects exist, and who "owns" them.


Generally, this means to centralize the "creation" and "deletion" of objects into a "parent" of some kind, where there is never any question as to, "Whose object is this?" and "What are your objects that you manage?"


For example, a "Parent" class will allocate member objects that it "needs", and only that parent deletes those objects. The parent's destructor ensures those members are deleted, so those objects don't accidentally get "left around". Thus, the parent "knows" its member objects, and when the parent is gone, you KNOW the member objects also are gone. If your design is strongly coupled, then the member objects may reference the parent object, but that is the "deep end of the pool" for ownership semantics (and usually not recommended).


Some designs can be legitimately very complicated. However, in general, ownership semantics should NEVER be complicated: You should ALWAYS know "who owns what", and thus, you should ALWAYS know "what objects exist".


Other designs are possible with garbage collection languages, where objects may be "free agents" and you trust the garbage collector to do the "hard work" of cleaning up objects about which you've lost track. (I'm not partial to those designs, but concede them to be sometimes acceptable in those other languages, based on unique problem domains.)

如果您的 C++ 设计依赖于此类自由代理"对象,您可以编写自己的垃圾收集器或自己的实用程序所有者"来清理它们.例如,MyFreeAgent 构造函数可以向 MyGarbageCollector 注册自己,而 MyFreeAgent 析构函数将从 MyGarbageCollector 注销自己>.因此,MyFreeAgent 实例可以被 MyGarbageCollector 清理",或者 MyFreeAgent 甚至可以通过delete this;",你就会知道它已经消失了(因为它的析构函数会从 MyGarbageCollector 中注销自己).在此设计中,单个 MyGarbagageCollector 将始终知道"存在哪些 MyFreeAgent 实例.

If your C++ design relies upon such "free agents" objects, you can write your own garbage collector, or own "utility owner" to clean them up. For example, the MyFreeAgent constructor could register itself with the MyGarbageCollector, and the MyFreeAgent destructor would unregister itself from the MyGarbageCollector. Thus, MyFreeAgent instances could be "cleaned up" by the MyGarbageCollector, or the MyFreeAgent could even kill itself with "delete this;", and you would KNOW that it is gone (because its destructor would unregister itself from the MyGarbageCollector). In this design, a single MyGarbagageCollector would ALWAYS "know" what MyFreeAgent instances exist.


Such designs are the "deep end of the pool" and should be used with extreme caution, even though they work, because they have the strong potential to massively de-structure your system. (I've used them, but you've got to be sure the problem honestly warrants such a design.)


07-04 04:00