本文介绍了使用C ++的实例级封装的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有两个部分的问题。首先,我理解C ++只提供类级数据封装,意味着同一类的所有对象都可以访问彼此的私有成员。我了解原因,但发现了一些链接(例如),这似乎与这一点矛盾,表明我可以做以下:

I have a two-part question. First, I understand that C++ provides only class-level data encapsulation, meaning that all objects of the same class have access to one another's private members. I understand the reason for this, but have found some links (i.e. http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/c-cplusplus/whats-the-difference-between-a-class-variable-and-an-instance-variable/) which appear to contradict this point, suggesting that I could do the following:

class testclass {

  // Below would be an instance-level variable, and new memory for it is set aside 
  // in each object I create of class testclass 
  int x;

  // Below would be a class-level variable, memory is set aside only once no matter 
  // how many objects of the same class 
  static int y;


What I would like to do is actually make this work, i.e., I would like to define a variable in a class which is private in each instantiation (this is my second question). Since the code snippet above does not appear to achieve this, is there a work around I can use to create data that is private to individual objects? Thank you!



It's true that I'm still learning OO basics. I'll use the ubiquitous car example to show what I'm trying to do, which I'm sure must be a common thing to try. I'd welcome any suggestions for how to rethink it:

class car {
    int mileage;
    car(int); // Constructor
    void odometer();

car::car(int m) {
  mileage = m;

void car::odometer() {
  return mileage;

int main(void) {
  car ford(10000), honda(20000);

  cout<<ford.odometer(); //Returns 20000, since honda constructor overwrites private variable 'mileage'



Priviledge (public, private, protected) only applies to names. Only during the time when a name is resolved will the compiler apply permissions. Once compiled, all such information is gone.


In your example above, all uses of the names x and y within a scope that resolves to THOSE variables will be private to your class. Only functions declared in your class, be they static or not, will be able to access those variables by name.


All bets are off however if you give out the variable to other objects that can then refer to the variable by other names which have other permissions.

我不知道你在问什么引用在每个实例化。 AFAIK,没有本地方法使一个变量私有,只有那个实例可以访问它。在所有情况下,实例可以访问彼此的私有部分。

I'm not sure what you're asking with reference to "in each instantiation". AFAIK, there is no native way to make a variable private such that only that instance can access it. In all cases, instances can access each other's private parts.


There's some ways you could get around this I suppose. First is to templatize your class and give each instance a different type. You could do this with an integer template parameter or something. This could make life annoying though as you try to work with these types as the same kind of thing. You'd have to virtualize and have an abstract base class or something.


Currently that's the only method I can think of. All others depend on calling entities playing nice.


Generally speaking it's rare that you'd want to protect members from other instances. The usual case of the same type being passed to the same type is during copy and assignment, where you basically need all knowledge about the source to correctly copy. My bet is that you need to rethink what you're trying to do, whatever that is.

这篇关于使用C ++的实例级封装的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 23:55