

我正在使用PostgreSQL 8.4在OS X的Rails中开发一个应用程序.我需要为应用程序设置数据库,以便标准文本查询不区分大小写.例如:

I'm developing an app in Rails on OS X using PostgreSQL 8.4. I need to setup the database for the app so that standard text queries are case-insensitive. For example:


should return the same result as:


Just to be clear, I don't want to use:


(1) LIKE in the where clause or any other type of special comparison operators


(2) citext for the column datatype or any other special column index


(3) any type of full-text software like Sphinx

我想要的是设置数据库区域设置以支持不区分大小写的文本比较.我在Mac OS X(10.5 Leopard)上,并且已经尝试将编码"设置为"LATIN1",而归类"和"Ctype"都设置为"en_US.ISO8859-1".到目前为止没有成功.

What I do want is to set the database locale to support case-insensitive text comparison. I'm on Mac OS X (10.5 Leopard) and have already tried setting the Encoding to "LATIN1", with the Collation and Ctype both set to "en_US.ISO8859-1". No success so far.


Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.



出于对响应者的尊重,我已将给出的答案之一标记为正确答案.但是,我选择的解决方案与建议的解决方案不同.在进一步审查该应用程序之后,只有少数几个实例需要与数据库字段进行不区分大小写的比较,因此,我将为需要比较大小写的字段创建 shadow 数据库字段.麻木不仁.例如,name和name_lower.我相信我在网上某个地方遇到过这种解决方案.希望PostgreSQL将允许使用与SQL Server将来提供的类似排序规则选项(即DOCI).

I have marked one of the answers given as the correct answer out of respect for the folks who responded. However, I've chosen to solve this issue differently than suggested. After further review of the application, there are only a few instances where I need case-insensitive comparison against a database field, so I'll be creating shadow database fields for the ones I need to compare case-insensitively. For example, name and name_lower. I believe I came across this solution on the web somewhere. Hopefully PostgreSQL will allow similar collation options to what SQL Server provides in the future (i.e. DOCI).




You will likely need to do something like use a column function to convert your text e.g. convert to uppercase - an example :

SELECT * FROM documents WHERE upper(title) = upper('incredible document')


Note that this may mess up performance that used index scanning, but if it becomes a problem you can define an index including column functions on target columns e.g.

CREATE INDEX I1 on documents (upper(title))


10-31 00:29