

我有一个要为其运行快照的卷PersistentVolumeClaim.我知道有VolumeSnapshot docs .我认为运行定期快照的最佳方法是为此创建一个CronJob.

I have a volume PersistentVolumeClaim that I want to run snapshots for. I know there is VolumeSnapshot docs. I think the best way to run periodic snapshots is to create a CronJob for that.

因此,我使用 python k8s客户端和我的自定义脚本创建了一个docker镜像.这样,我可以随时运行它,并且可以直接从pod中访问kube config和所有资源.

So I've created a docker image with python k8s client and my custom script. This way I'm able to run it whenever I want and I can access kube config and all resources directly from the pod.

FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qq install -y git
COPY . .
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install git+https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python.git

我遇到的第一个问题是我正在尝试使用apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1

The first problem I encountered, was that I was trying to use this VolumeSnapshot template using apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1

client = kubernetes.client.ApiClient()


AttributeError: module 'kubernetes.client' has no attribute 'SnapshotStorageV1beta1Api'

确实,我在 python客户端中找不到它 js客户端官方文档v1.18.也许是因为它在测试版?

And indeed I can't find it in python client, js client nor in the official docs v1.18. Maybe it's because it's in beta?


Then I tried writing some custom code. So I have

def main():
    _configuration = kubernetes.client.Configuration()
    _client = kubernetes.client.ApiClient(_configuration)
    _storage_api = kubernetes.client.StorageV1beta1Api(_client)
    storages = _storage_api.get_api_resources()

但是它返回 V1存储类,我找不到从响应中创建快照的任何方法.

But it returns a list of V1 storage class and I can't find any way to create a snapshot from the response.


In my terminology, a snapshot is a copy-paste of a current state to anything else. Do you know how to achieve that?

我觉得我对此进行了过度设计,但我不想使用诸如 stash 之类的第三方.

I feel like I'm overengineering this but I don't want to use 3rd parties such as stash.




That persistentVolumeClaim is mapped to a PersistentVolume, if you log into your gcloud console and on the Sidebar

Compute Engine->磁盘

Compute Engine -> Disks


You will get a list of all the GCE Disks that are being used on your project.


kubectl get pvc --namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE


this will get you a list of all pvc, you need to figure out which one is the PVC you want, in order to get the disk name so you can view in the console you need to do something like this

╰─ kubectl describe pvc NAME_OF_PVC  --namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE
Name:          NAME_OF_PVC
Namespace:     YOUR_NAMESPACE
StorageClass:  standard
Status:        Bound
Volume:        pvc-61e864b6-6fbf-4a36-80af-8a65e1588b58
Finalizers:    [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection]
Capacity:      10Gi
Access Modes:  RWO
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Mounted By:    <none>
Events:        <none>



Go back to the console and filter by this name and then click on it, you should be able to create a snapshot from there.

现在正确的方法是创建快照计划并将其绑定到磁盘,如下所示( https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/compute/introducing-scheduled-snapshots-for-compute-engine-persistent-disk ).

Now the correct approach would be to create a snapshot schedule and bind it to your disk as shown here (https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/compute/introducing-scheduled-snapshots-for-compute-engine-persistent-disk).


When you are done creating the snapshot schedule you can edit the disk in the console and assign it whatever shanpshot schedule you created to your disk.


06-19 11:18