


I would like to know how I can record a video in MATLAB with my webcam.


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如果您已经知道如何从网络摄像头捕获单个图像,那么这应该只是缝合问题图像一起变成电影.您可以使用 VideoWriter对象打开电影文件,然后然后使用 writeVideo 方法添加顺序图像.例如:

If you already know how to capture a single image from a webcam, then it should just be a matter of stitching the images together into a movie. You can use a VideoWriter object to open a movie file and then add sequential images using the writeVideo method. For example:

aviObject = VideoWriter('myVideo.avi');  % Create a new AVI file
for iImage = 1:100                       % Capture 100 frames
  % ...
  % You would capture a single image I from your webcam here
  % ...
  writeVideo(aviObject, I);  % Add the image to the AVI file
close(aviObject);  % Close the AVI file

我只是使用了for循环作为简单示例,但您可能想使用 timer ,如果您想捕获图像并将其定期添加到AVI文件中.

I just used a for loop as a simple example, but you may want to use a timer if you instead want to capture images and add them to the AVI file at regular time intervals.


07-04 22:59