

Azure 函数最近在消耗/动态计划上出现 5 分钟超时行为.

Azure functions recently got 5 minute timeout behavior on consumption/dynamic plans.

我在启用 AlwaysOn 的标准层应用服务计划上使用队列触发功能,但我仍然看到超时(约 10 分钟后),然后无限重试,尽管我的 host.json 指定了 maxDequeueCount1.我尝试在host.json中设置functionTimeout(设置为1h),但没有影响.

I'm using an queue triggered function on a standard tier app service plan with AlwaysOn enabled, but I'm still seeing the timeout (after ~10mins), followed by infinite retries, despite my host.json specifying a maxDequeueCount of 1. I've tried setting functionTimeout in host.json (to 1h) but it has no impact.


Am I missing something? Is this functionality documented anywhere, and is it configurable?


I can only find multiple references to execution time being unlimited for premium & standard tier app service plans, but this doesn't match what I'm seeing.(Runtime version: latest (~1))


遇到了同样的问题.从主机文件中删除了功能超时"属性.这对我来说适用于在启用了 Always-On 的应用服务计划中具有队列触发器的功能,并且我的功能能够运行超过 30 分钟.

encountered with the same issue. removed "function-timeout" property from the host file. this worked for me for functions with queue trigger in app service plan with Always-On enabled and my function was able to run for more than 30 minutes.


08-12 22:28