本文介绍了如何通过Internet共享MS Access 2010数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Access 2010数据库,我想分为两个数据库(前端和后端)并通过Internet共享它.我可以访问安装了.accdb文件ODBC驱动程序的MS Windows 2003 Server.但是现在我不知道下一步.任何意见,将不胜感激.谢谢.

I have an Access 2010 database that I want to split into two (front and back ends) and share it over the Internet. I have access to MS Windows 2003 Server where I installed the ODBC driver for .accdb files. But now I don't know the next step. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


访问非常方便.您不希望数据源通过Internet传输.您可能考虑为需要查看数据库的任何人提供虚拟终端登录名.默认情况下,Windows Server 2003允许两个终端连接,而没有任何终端服务CAL.

Access is very chatty. You won't want the data source to be over the Internet. You might consider giving a virtual terminal login for whoever needs to see the database. Windows Server 2003 allows two terminal connections by default without any terminal services CAL's.

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09-27 16:51