

我熟悉如何使用 @ResponseBody 注释从我的 @Controller 方法返回json。

I'm familiar with how to return json from my @Controller methods using the @ResponseBody annotation.


Now I'm trying to read some json arguments into my controller, but haven't had luck so far.Here's my controller's signature:

@RequestMapping(value = "/ajax/search/sync")
public ModelAndView sync(@RequestParam("json") @RequestBody SearchRequest json) {


But when I try to invoke this method, spring complains that:Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'com.foo.SearchRequest'

删除 @RequestBody 注释似乎没什么区别。

Removing the @RequestBody annotation doesn't seem to make a difference.


Manually parsing the json works, so Jackson must be in the classpath:

// This works
@RequestMapping(value = "/ajax/search/sync")
public ModelAndView sync(@RequestParam("json") String json) {
    SearchRequest request;
    try {
        request = objectMapper.readValue(json, SearchRequest.class);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse json into a search request", e);


Any ideas? Am I trying to do something that's not supported?


你的参数应该是 @RequestParam a @RequestBody ,而不是两者。

Your parameter should either be a @RequestParam, or a @RequestBody, not both.

@RequestBody 用于POST和PUT请求,其中请求的主体是您想要的解析。 @RequestParam 用于指定参数,可以是URL,也可以是多部分表单提交。

@RequestBody is for use with POST and PUT requests, where the body of the request is what you want to parse. @RequestParam is for named parameters, either on the URL or as a multipart form submission.


So you need to decide which one you need. Do you really want to have your JSON as a request parameter? This isn't normally how AJAX works, it's normally sent as the request body.

尝试删除 @RequestParam 看看是否有效。如果没有,并且您真的将JSON作为请求参数发布,那么Spring将无法帮助您在没有额外管道的情况下处理它(请参阅)。

Try removing the @RequestParam and see if that works. If not, and you really are posting the JSON as a request parameter, then Spring won't help you process that without additional plumbing (see Customizing WebDataBinder initialization).


05-21 06:13