


Let's say that we have two fragments: MainFragment and SelectionFragment. The second one is build for selecting some object, e.g. an integer. There are different approaches in receiving result from this second fragment like callbacks, buses etc.


Now, if we decide to use Navigation Architecture Component in order to navigate to second fragment we can use this code:

NavHostFragment.findNavController(this).navigate(R.id.action_selection, bundle)

其中 bundleBundle 的一个实例(当然).如您所见,我们无法访问 SelectionFragment,我们可以在其中放置回调.问题是,如何使用导航架构组件接收结果?

where bundle is an instance of Bundle (of course). As you can see there is no access to SelectionFragment where we could put a callback. The question is, how to receive a result with Navigation Architecture Component?


他们添加了一个 修复 在 2.3.0-alpha02 版本中.

They have added a fix for this in the 2.3.0-alpha02 release.

如果从 Fragment A 导航到 Fragment B 并且 A 需要 B 的结果:

If navigating from Fragment A to Fragment B and A needs a result from B:

findNavController().currentBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.getLiveData<Type>("key")?.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {result ->
    // Do something with the result.

如果在Fragment B并且需要设置结果:

If on Fragment B and need to set the result:

findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set("key", result)


I ended up creating two extensions for this:

fun Fragment.getNavigationResult(key: String = "result") =

fun Fragment.setNavigationResult(result: String, key: String = "result") {
    findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set(key, result)


07-04 02:17