本文介绍了Android Google Plus SDK:点击 +1 按钮后,进度指示器 (ProgressBar) 永不停止的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在我的 Android 应用中实现了 +1 按钮.几乎一切正常:

I implemented the +1 button in my Android app. Almost everything works fine:

  • 我可以登录/注销
  • 当我登录时,+1 按钮会告诉我 +1 的数量是多少,并根据我在网页上是否进行了 +1 的事实而变为红色/白色

但是....当我点击 +1 按钮时,我的 +1 按钮(变成白色)上会出现一个活动指示器(进度指示器 (ProgressBar))并且它永远不会停止旋转!取消/分享/制作 +1 的窗口永远不会出现...

BUT....when I click on the +1 button, an activity indicator (progress indicator (ProgressBar)) appears on my +1 button (which becomes white) and it never stops rotating ! The window to cancel/share/make a +1 never appears...

请注意,我的应用中有另一个带有 +1 按钮的 Activity,并且此其他 Activity 中的 +1 按钮运行良好...

Note that I have another activity with a +1 button in my app and that the +1 button in this other activity works perfectly well...


I don't understand what is the problem !




试试这个.当用户撤消 +1 时它有错误.

try this.it has bug when user undo the +1.

        mPlusButton.setOnPlusOneClickListener(new PlusOneButton.OnPlusOneClickListener() {
       public void onPlusOneClick(Intent intent) {
         try {
            mConnectionResult.startResolutionForResult(HomeActivity.this, REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR);
        } catch (SendIntentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


这篇关于Android Google Plus SDK:点击 +1 按钮后,进度指示器 (ProgressBar) 永不停止的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-01 11:28