本文介绍了ASP.Net MVC:用于登录个IAuthorizationFilter /属性prefered安全检查?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Is IAuthorizationFilter coupled with an attribute the preferred way to check if a user is logged in before a controller runs it's course?


Since I'm new to MVC I've been trying to figure out how to handle situations done in WebForms. The one I ran into yesterday is checking to see if the user is able to view a page or not depending on whether logged in or not. When taking a project of mine and "transforming" it into an MVC project, I was a little at odds on how to solve this situation.


With the WebForms version, I used a base page to check if the user was logged in:

if (State.CurrentUser == null)
  State.ReturnPage = SiteMethods.GetCurrentUrl();


What I did find is this:

public sealed class RequiresAuthenticationAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext context)
        if (State.CurrentUser ==  null)
            context.Result = 
              new RedirectToRouteResult
                new RouteValueDictionary
                    controller = "Login", 
                    action = "Error", 
                    redirect = SiteMethods.GetCurrentUrl()


Then I just slap that attribute on any give controller method and life is good. Question is, is this the preferred and/or best way to do this?


不要推倒重来。 MVC框架已经包含AuthorizeAttribute,它可以处理一些细微之处没有在code你已经粘贴在这里,比如缓存。只需使用。但是,是的,属性是要走的路。

Don't reinvent the wheel. The MVC framework already includes AuthorizeAttribute, which handles some subtleties not in the code you've pasted here, such as caching. Just use that. But yes, attributes are the way to go.

这篇关于ASP.Net MVC:用于登录个IAuthorizationFilter /属性prefered安全检查?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-01 21:20