本文介绍了浏览器中的 3D 可视化的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找在网络浏览器中进行 3D 可视化的解决方案.

I am looking for solutions for 3D visualizations in web browsers.
For now I just need to do research about this topic, i.e. I need to know how many solutions exist and which of these are good and why?


Web 上的 3D 简要概述:

Brief overview of 3D on the web:

VRML.一种用于 3D 模型的 HTML 样式标记语言,它应该是 Web 令人惊叹的网络空间未来,当时我们仍然认为 Web 需要流行的是完全改变它的一切.我们是白痴.VRML 已经死了.

VRML. An HTML-style markup language for 3D models that was supposed to be the amazing cyberspace future of the web, back when we still thought what the web needed to be popular was just to totally change everything about it. We were idiots. VRML is all but dead.

Java.从 1.3 开始的 JVM 可以在小程序中运行 Java3D 引擎.随着桌面 Java 流行度的下降,我还没有看到这一点.

Java. JVMs from 1.3 can run the Java3D engine in applets. With the decline in prevalence of desktop Java I have yet to see this in the wild.

Flash.Flash 10 中的 3D 原始支持;在早期 Flash 版本中破解它的库,并提供更高级别的引擎功能.(Papervision、Sandy 等人.)这是当今大多数浏览器内 3D 的完成方式.

Flash. 3D-primitive support in Flash 10; libraries that hack it in earlier Flash versions, and provide higher-level engine features. (Papervision, Sandy et al.) This is how the majority of in-browser 3D is done today.

CSS.WebKit 为 CSS 提供了透视变换功能,该功能已被提议用于标准化.当然不会提供完整的 3D 引擎功能,但与页面中的 HTML 内容集成的能力很有趣.

CSS. WebKit provides a perspective transform feature to CSS, which has been proposed for standardisation. Won't offer anything like full 3D engine features of course, but the capability to integrate with HTML content in the page is interesting.

O3D.Google 的实验性 3D 引擎浏览器插件.

O3D. Google's experimental 3D engine browser plugin.

WebGL.建议将标准 OpenGL 绑定到 JavaScript 和 HTML5 画布.有趣的是,您可以在没有插件的纯 JavaScript 中使用它,但它的级别非常低.目前仅在开发中的浏览器快照中可用.

WebGL. Proposed binding of standard OpenGL to JavaScript and HTML5 canvas. Of interest in that you can use it in plain JavaScript with no plugins, but it's pretty low-level. Currently only available in in-development browser snapshots.

其他.有一些游戏 3D 引擎已打包到插件中,例如.Unity,以及一些各种专有格式的模型查看器插件.

Others. There are gaming 3D engines that have been packaged into a plugin, eg. Unity, and a few sundry proprietary-format model viewer plugins.

这篇关于浏览器中的 3D 可视化的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 20:37