本文介绍了 pandas 数据框中的逻辑或/按位或的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to use a Boolean mask to get a match from 2 different dataframes.U


x = df[(df['A'].isin(df2['B']))
      or df['A'].isin(df2['C'])]


ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().


However using the bitwise OR operator, the results are returned successfully.

x = df[(df['A'].isin(df2['B']))
      | df['A'].isin(df2['C'])]

Output: x


Is there a difference in both and would bitwise OR be the best option here? Why doesn't the logical OR work?


据我了解的这个问题(来自C ++背景,目前正在学习Python的数据科学),我偶然发现了几篇文章,建议按位运算符(& ;, |)可以在类中重载,就像C ++一样.

As far as I have come to understand this issue (coming from a C++ background and currently learning Python for data sciences) I stumbled upon several posts suggesting that bitwise operators (&, |) can be overloaded in classes, just like C++ does.


So basically, while you may use such bitwise operators on numbers they will compare the bits and give you the result. So for instance, if you have the following:


What Python will actually do is compare the bits of these numbers:


00000011(因为0 | 0为False,因此为ergo 0;而0 | 1为True,则是ergo 1)

00000011 (because 0 | 0 is False, ergo 0; and 0 | 1 is True, ergo 1)



It compares each bit of the numbers and spit out the result of these eight consecutive operations. This is the normal behaviour of these operators.


Enter Pandas. As you can overload these operators, Pandas has made use of this. So what bitwise operators do when coming to pandas dataframes, is the following:


In this case, first pandas will create a series of trues or falses depending on the result of the == and != operations (be careful: you have to put braces around the outer expressions because python will always try to resolve first bitwise operators and THEN the other comparision operators!!). So it will compare each value in the column to the expression and either output a true or a false.


Then you'd have two same-length series of trues and falses. What it THEN does is take these two serieses and basically compare them with either "and" (&) or "or" (|), and finally spit out one single series either fulfilling or not fulfilling all three comparision operations.


To go even further, what I think is happening under the hood is that the &-operator actually calls a function of pandas, gives them both previously evaluated operations (so the two serieses to the left and right of the operator) and pandas then compares two distinct values at a time, returning a True or False depending on the internal mechanism to determine this.

这基本上与所有其他运算符(>,<,> =,< =,==,!=)所使用的原理相同.

This is basically the same principle they've used for all other operators as well (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=).


Why do the struggle and use a different &-expression when you got the nice and neat "and"? Well, that seems to be because "and" is just hard coded and cannot be altered manually.


这篇关于 pandas 数据框中的逻辑或/按位或的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-25 00:41