

我正在从非Qt线程调用emit signal1().非Qt线程是指不是来自GUI事件循环,也不是来自任何QThread run()方法或任何QThread自己的事件循环.

I'm calling a emit signal1() from a non Qt thread.By non Qt thread I mean not from the GUI Event Loop and not from any QThread run() method or any QThread own event loop.


It is simply a pthread (pthread_create()) that calls a method of a QObject which emits signals.


MyQbject: public QObject
void emitBunchOfSignals()
 emit signal1();
 emit signal2();

我的pthread的运行"方法具有指向MyObject实例的指针(该实例是在主Qt GUI线程上下文中创建的,而不是在pthread中创建的),它调用emitBunchOfSignals()方法.

the "run" method of my pthread which has a pointer to a MyObject instance (instance that was created within the main Qt GUI thread context NOT the pthread) calls the emitBunchOfSignals() methods.

在Qt 4.5之前令人讨厌.现在,Qt 4.5可以处理吗?它会调用qApp->PostEvent()还是某种方式使信号在Qt GUI线程(以及插槽)内发出?

Before Qt 4.5 that was nasty. Now, does Qt 4.5 handle this ?Does it call qApp->PostEvent() or something so the signal is emitted within the Qt GUI Thread (and thus the slot as well) ?




What you need to make sure is that you use a queued connection to a from threads, as Qt cannot autmatically sense which object that belong to which thread ("thread affinity" is the term used in the documentation). You do this when connecting:

connect(src, SIGNAL(signal-signature), dest, SLOT(slot-signature), Qt::QueuedConnection);


That will result in the signal being put on the event loop of the destination, and the slot being called when its thread is running (i.e. its event loop).


07-05 07:19