本文介绍了VB 6检查网络上的文件是否存在太长时间的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 以下代码: 如果FileExists(XCustPath +XCust.dat)然后 XCustRun 结束如果 和这段代码: public function FileExists(ByVal Fname As String)As Boolean Dim lRetVal As Long Dim OfSt As OFSTRUCT lRetVal = OpenFile(Fname,OfSt,OF_EXIST)如果lRetVal<> HFILE_ERROR Then FileExists = True Else FileExists = False End If End Function XCustPath指向映射的网络位置,其中包含文件XCust.dat。 行: lRetVal = OpenFile(Fname,OfSt,OF_EXIST) 它需要永久的锁定我的程序20-30秒。它需要检查这个文件是否存在于网络上的时间不到1秒,因为这是传统的销售点应用程序。有反正我可以强制它超时的代码行,如果它需要超过一秒?如果它确实存在,它会顺利和完美地运行。或者一个非常快速的方式来检查网络上的文件是否存在?解决方案这应该会更快: b $ b Dim fso As Object 设置fso = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) if fso.fileexists(Fname)。 .. The following code: If FileExists(XCustPath + "XCust.dat") Then XCustRun End Ifand this code:Public Function FileExists(ByVal Fname As String) As BooleanDim lRetVal As LongDim OfSt As OFSTRUCTlRetVal = OpenFile(Fname, OfSt, OF_EXIST)If lRetVal <> HFILE_ERROR Then FileExists = TrueElse FileExists = FalseEnd IfEnd FunctionXCustPath points to a mapped network location with the file XCust.dat inside it.But on the line:lRetVal = OpenFile(Fname, OfSt, OF_EXIST)It takes forever and locks up my program for 20-30 seconds. It needs to check if this file exists on the network in less than 1 second as it is for a legacy point of sale application. Is there anyway I can force it to timeout the line of code if it takes longer than a second? If it does exist it runs smoothly and perfect. Or a VERY quick way of checking if a file on the network exists? 解决方案 This should be faster:Dim fso As ObjectSet fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")if fso.fileexists(Fname) ... 这篇关于VB 6检查网络上的文件是否存在太长时间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-15 09:14