本文介绍了如何在我的域中设置DNS记录以引用我的负载均衡器的IP地址,并且在LB Google Cloud Console中也获得FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am working with Load Balancing to have https to my static website and I have my domain in GoDaddy


  • 后端配置:到我的云存储桶和启用的CDN.
  • 前端配置:我已启用具有静态IP的Https由Google管理的SSL证书(位于GoDaddy中的我的域example.com).
  • Backend configuration: To my Cloud storage buckets & enabled CDN.
  • Frontend configuration: Https having static IP I have enabledGoogle-managed SSL certificate with my domain example.com which is in GoDaddy.

我是否需要在GoDaddy中进行任何配置,如指向,10-20分钟后,我就会获得 FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE 域状态

Do I need to do any configuration in GoDaddy like pointing, After 10-20 min I get FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE in domain status


I am new and don't know how to link.


In google docs I can see DNS records for your domain must reference the IP address of your load balancer's target proxy, Can someone help me to understand.




Finally I fixed it, We need to point the Static IP to DNS in my case I have in GoDaddy, It took some time to point DNS and then it took time for my Google-managed SSL certificate to turn green.

完成后,我在err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch上遇到了问题,我们需要添加策略来告诉LB使用TLS 1.2,但在我的情况下,它会在10分钟内自动解决.

Once it's done I hade an issue with err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch for this we need to add Policy to tell LB to use TLS 1.2 but in my case it automatically resolved in 10 min.

我们可以通过两种方式指向DNS,一种是在GoDaddy中将静态IP直接添加到A记录中,另一种是在GCP中创建Cloud DNS,并在Godaddy中指向Nameserver.

We can Point DNS in two ways one by directly adding Static IP to A record in GoDaddy other is by creating a Cloud DNS in GCP and point Nameserver in Godaddy.


We must establish a link to confirm our DNS with Static IP of LB so that the SSL turns Green after confirming Domain status.

这篇关于如何在我的域中设置DNS记录以引用我的负载均衡器的IP地址,并且在LB Google Cloud Console中也获得FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 09:42