


I am developing simple mobile app for iPhone and Android platform and I am looking for algorithms that would allow me to trigger certain events (functions) when we detect a certain gesture using internal accelerometer. I work with Phonegap that utilizes HTML5 and javascript which reads three coordinates (x,y and z) from accelerometer on pre-set interval (e.g. every 0.04 sec.).

我写了一个简单的功能,可检测震动运动和它的作品相当不错,但它是原语(只侦测到震动,而不是方向) - 我想发现一些其他的手势,如: - 倾斜(向左/右) - /动摇下跌 - 摇左/右 - 圆周运动 - 颠倒 - 等...

I wrote a simple function that detects a shaking motion and it works quite fine but it is primitive (it only detects shaking, not the direction) - and I want to detect some other gestures such as:- tilt (to the left/right)- shake up/down- shake left/right- circular motion- turn upside down- etc....


Does anybody have algorithms (or at least mathematical formulas/functions) that can calculate (detect) this kind of gestures based on input values I have (x,y,z and time interval for each call)?


I am looking for any code in any programming language (I will rewrite it to javascript myself. Thanks in advance!


动态时间规整(DTW)做得很好,不过,我会建议使用快速动态时间规整(快速DTW)。特别是对于移动场景,FastDTW真的是适用!对于一个详细的版本,看看这个研究论文: http://cs.fit埃杜/〜PKC /纸/ tdm04.pdf

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) does a good job, however I would recommend using Fast Dynamic Time Warping (Fast DTW). Especially for mobile scenarios, FastDTW is really applicable!For a detailed version, take a look at this research paper: http://cs.fit.edu/~pkc/papers/tdm04.pdf


Some time ago, I wrote my thesis about 3D gestures for controlling devices in a smart-home setting. See it in action here (there is a link to the PDF, too). I used FastDTW for recognizing gestures on an iPhone.


06-28 18:02