

我们有15个使用Java Spring构建的服务,它们使用REST相互交谈.

We have 15 services build with Java Spring, they talk each other using REST .


Each time we add a new service to the pool we create from scratch all the code, including rest client code that will talk to other Services and the POJO classes used to map the resource(s) being requested.


We end up copy and pasting from the source code of other services into the new service.


I think it would be better to put all these POJO's and rest client code into a library for all the services to consume it, it would save us a lot of work coding, but "they" say we should not do that with microservices.


So, why is that?We end up copy and pasting the exactly same code over and over again, I don't see the difference.


主要问题是耦合. Sam Newman,《建筑微服务》的作者很好地说明了这一点:

The main issue is coupling. Sam Newman, author of Building Microservices puts it well:

代码重复确实有一些明显的缺点.但是我认为那些 缺点要比使用共享代码结尾的缺点要好 耦合服务.如果使用共享库,请注意监视 它们的用法,如果您不确定它们是否是一种好 想法,我强烈建议您倾向于在 服务.

Code duplication does have some obvious downsides. But I think those downsides are better than the downsides of using shared code that ends up coupling services. If using shared libraries, be careful to monitor their use, and if you are unsure on whether or not they are a good idea, I'd strongly suggest you lean towards code duplication between services instead.

https://samnewman.io /blog/2015/06/22/answering-questions-from-devoxx-on-microservices/


10-12 22:33