

我想知道如何从谷歌驱动器获取多个文件。我在参考文献中搜索了这个,但是我没有找到这个信息。我正在构建一个Web应用程序,该应用程序将与驱动器进行通信并检索要下载的zip文件的链接。 zip文件。

I would like to know how i could to obtain multiple files from google drive. I searched this in the reference but i not found this information. I'm building a web application that will talk to drive and retreive a link of a zip file to download. Zip of the files.

我使用的是php with api v2。

I'm using php with api v2.


目前Drive API无法使用,您必须发送多个请求才能检索多个文件。

That is currently not possible with the Drive API, you have to send multiple requests to retrieve multiple files.


07-03 01:14