


I have a class called Airplane with a private data member thats a char array.

// char array variable in my class
char* name{nullptr};

我的目标是比较此变量与const char []类型的输入变量是否相等。

my goal is to compare for equality this variable and an input variable of type const char [].


bool Airplane::operator==(const char input_name[]) const{
    if (this->name == input_name) {
         return true;
return false;


By overloading the == operator, I want to be able to do the following:

Airplane plane("hello");
if (plane == "hellooo") {
   // do something

我希望能够使用诸如 hello这样的文本变量来创建一个类。然后能够==它到我想比较相等性的任何随机文本。现在,我的代码无法正常工作,它可以运行,然后在控制台中结束,没有任何错误。基本上,我需要与char数组进行比较,其中一个类是内置了重载函数的类,另一个是由用户输入的。谢谢您的帮助。

I want to be able to create a class with a text variable like "hello" and then be able to == it to any random text I want to compare equality. Right now my code just doesnt work, it runs and then ends in the console with no errors. basically I need to compare to char arrays, one within the class the overload function is built in, and another given as input by the user. Thank you for any help.


正如@PaulMcKenzie正确地说的那样, char * 不是数组。

As @PaulMcKenzie has rightly said, char* is not an array.

我建议使用 std :: string 代替 char * 以及超载,如下所示:

I suggest using std::string instead of char* as well as in overload as follows:

const bool Airplane::operator==(const std::string& str_to_be_compared) const {
    return this->(whatever variable stores the name of the plane) == str_to_be_compared;


07-01 10:04