本文介绍了jQuery Mobile禁用增强某些标签?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不想使用< a> 标签的样式。我发现这样的线程,但我不想添加 data-enhancement = false 到每个锚点。我也希望 linkBindingEnabled 将工作(从),因为它不会将自定义类添加到< ; a> 标签。

I don't want the styles for the <a> tag. I've found threads like this How to "turn off" jQuery Mobile's styling of <select> drop downs? but I don't want to be adding data-enhance=false to every anchor I have. I was also hoping linkBindingEnabled would work (from http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.2.0/docs/api/globalconfig.html), as in it wouldn't add custom classes to the <a> tag.

我可以删除CSS文件中的定义,但我更喜欢使用编程方式。例如,我注释掉 .ui-body-c .ui-link (默认链接),但是我的脚注中的链接仍然增强。我确定还有其他小例子,我不想弄乱它(虽然有时候是唯一的选择)

I could delete the definitions in the CSS file, but I'd prefer a programmatic way to do it. For example, I comment out .ui-body-c .ui-link (the default link), but then my links in the footer are still enhanced. And I'm sure there are other little cases, and I don't want to make it messy (although sometimes that's the only option)

基本上,有一种方法禁用元素的选择器的增强?取代手动添加 data-enhancement = false

Basically, is there a way to disable enhancement for a "selector" of elements? Instead of manually adding data-enhance=false


jQuery Mobile 中禁用标记增强的方法,但在您的情况下,只有一个单行解决方案:

There are few ways of disabling markup enhancement in jQuery Mobile but in your case there's only one single line solution:

$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#index', function(){       

jsFiddle 示例:

其他解决方案可以在我的其他 ,透明它是我的个人博客。或者 。搜索标记增强预防方法章节。

Other solutions can be found in my other ARTICLE, to be transparent it is my personal blog. Or find it HERE. Search for the chapter called: Methods of markup enhancement prevention.


There you will find a answer how to disable it on a selector level, unfortunately it only works on native form elements and a tag is not a native form element:

     $.mobile.page.prototype.options.keepNative = "select, input";

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10-25 05:54