

我正在尝试更改标准格式 2014-09-11T21:28:29.429209Z 进入一个不错的MMM d yyyy hh:mm z格式,但是我当前的代码失败了。

I am trying to change from standard ISO 8601 format 2014-09-11T21:28:29.429209Z into a nice MMM d yyyy hh:mm z format, however my current code is failing.

public void setCreatedAt( String dateTime ) {

    LocalDate newDateTime = LocalDate.parse(dateTime);

    try {
        DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMM d yyyy hh:mm a z");
        createdAt = newDateTime.format(format);
    catch (Exception e) {



I am receiving the time and date from an api.


A java.time.LocalDate 是ISO-8601日历系统中没有时区的日期,例如2007-12-03,因此那里没有足够的信息。请改用 java.time.ZonedDateTime

A java.time.LocalDate is "a date without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12-03" so there is not enough information there. Use java.time.ZonedDateTime instead.

此外,吞下这样的例外情况会使故障排除更加困难。当您不打算处理异常时,要么根本不捕获它,捕获并重新抛出它包装在RuntimeException中或至少记录它( e.printStackTrace()或类似的)。

Also, swallowing exceptions like that makes it much harder to troubleshoot. When you don't intend to handle an exception either don't catch it at all, catch and re-throw it wrapped in a RuntimeException or at the very least log it (e.printStackTrace() or similar) .


07-05 05:03