


(Sorry for the vague title; couldn't think of anything better. Feel free to rephrase.)


So let's say my function or property returns an IEnumerable<T>:

public IEnumerable<Person> Adults
    return _Members.Where(i => i.Age >= 18);


If I run a foreach on this property without actually materializing the returned enumerable:

foreach(var Adult in Adults)


Is there a rule that governs whether IEnumerable<Person> will be materialized to array or list or something else?


Also is it safe to cast Adults to List<Person> or Array without calling ToList() or ToArray()?


Many people have spent a lot of effort into answering this question. Thanks to all of them. However, the gist of this question still remains unanswered. Let me put in some more details:

我知道foreach不需要目标对象是数组或列表.它甚至不需要是任何种类的集合.它需要目标对象做的就是实现枚举.但是,如果我检查目标对象的值,它会发现实际的基础对象是List<T>(就像检查装箱的字符串对象时显示的是object (string)一样).这就是混乱的开始.谁执行了这个实现?我检查了底层(Where()函数的源代码),看起来这些函数似乎没有这样做.

I understand that foreach doesn't require the target object to be an array or list. It doesn't even need to be a collection of any kind. All it needs the target object to do is to implement enumeration. However if I place inspect the value of target object, it reveals that the actual underlying object is List<T> (just like it shows object (string) when you inspect a boxed string object). This is where the confusion starts. Who performed this materialization? I inspected the underlying layers (Where() function's source) and it doesn't look like those functions are doing this.


So my problem lies at two levels.

  • 第一个纯粹是理论上的.与物理和生物学等许多其他学科不同,在计算机科学中,我们始终精确地知道事物的工作原理(回答@zzxyz的最新评论);所以我试图研究创建List<T>的代理,以及它如何决定应该选择List而不是Array,以及是否有一种方法可以影响我们的代码.
  • 我的第二个理由是实际的.我可以依靠实际基础对象的类型并将其强制转换为List<T>吗?我需要使用某些List<T>功能,我想知道例如((List<Person>)Adults).BinarySearch()是否和Adults.ToList().BinarySearch()一样安全?
  • First one is purely theoretical. Unlike many other disciplines like physics and biology, in computer sciences we always know precisely how something works (answering @zzxyz's last comment); so I was trying to dig about the agent who created List<T> and how it decided it should choose a List and not an Array and if there is a way of influencing that decision from our code.
  • My second reason was practical. Can I rely on the type of actual underlying object and cast it to List<T>? I need to use some List<T> functionality and I was wondering if for example ((List<Person>)Adults).BinarySearch() is as safe as Adults.ToList().BinarySearch()?


I also understand that it isn't going to create any performance penalty even if I do call ToList() explicitly. I was just trying to understand how it is working. Anyway, thanks again for the time; I guess I have spent just too much time on it.



In general terms all you need for a foreach to work is to have an object with an accessible GetEnumerator() method that returns an object that has the following methods:

void Reset()
bool MoveNext()
T Current { get; private set; } // where `T` is some type.



This code works as the compiler figures out everything it needs:

void Main()
    foreach (var adult in new Adults())

public class Adult
    public override string ToString() => "Adult!";

public class Adults
    public class Enumerator
        public Adult Current { get; private set; }
        public bool MoveNext()
            if (this.Current == null)
                this.Current = new Adult();
                return true;
            this.Current = null;
            return false;
        public void Reset() { this.Current = null; }
    public Enumerator GetEnumerator() { return new Enumerator(); }


Having a proper enumerable makes the process work more easily and more robustly. The more idiomatic version of the above code is:

public class Adults
    private class Enumerator : IEnumerator<Adult>
        public Adult Current { get; private set; }

        object IEnumerator.Current => this.Current;

        public void Dispose() { }

        public bool MoveNext()
            if (this.Current == null)
                this.Current = new Adult();
                return true;
            this.Current = null;
            return false;

        public void Reset()
            this.Current = null;
    public IEnumerator<Adult> GetEnumerator()
        return new Enumerator();

这使Enumerator成为私有类,即private class Enumerator.然后,界面将进行所有艰苦的工作-甚至不可能在Adults之外获得对Enumerator类的引用.

This enables the Enumerator to be a private class, i.e. private class Enumerator. The interface then does all of the hard work - it's not even possible to get a reference to the Enumerator class outside of Adults.


The point is that you do not know at compile-time what the concrete type of the class is - and if you did you may not even be able to cast to it.


The interface is all you need, and even that isn't strictly true if you consider my first example.


If you want a List<Adult> or an Adult[] you must call .ToList() or .ToArray() respectively.


07-05 09:49