I'm trying to understand the basics of lambda calculus and Church numerals. I have been doing a lot of reading and practising, but I seem to keep getting stuck with trying to see how some functions work.
The example I am stuck on is as follows. Perhaps someone can explain where I have gone wrong.
The Church numeral for 1 can be represented as:
λf. λx. f x
可以给出Church数字(m )的指数函数as:
The exponentiation function on Church numerals (m) can be given as:
λm. λn. n m
我想要做的是显示通过将指数函数应用于1和1,回1,因为1 = 1。我这样做,所以我更好地理解这些函数是如何工作的。我的工作如下,每次都卡住:
All I want to do is show that by applying the exponentiation function to 1 and 1, I get back 1, since 1 = 1. I am doing this, so I understand better how these functions work. My working is as follows and I get stuck every time:
// Exp (1 1)
(λm. λn. n m) (λf1. λx1. f1 x1) (λf2. λx2. f2 x2)
// Substitute for m
(λn. n (λf1. λx1. f1 x1)) (λf2. λx2. f2 x2)
// Substitute for n
(λf2. λx2. f2 x2) (λf1. λx1. f1 x1)
// Substitute for f2
(λx2. (λf1. λx1. f1 x1) x2)
// Substitute for f1
λx2. (λx1. x2 x1)
在那里我卡住了。我失去了 f
的剩余部分,只剩下 x
And there I am stuck. I have lost both f
's, left with x
's only, and I haven't got 1 back. Where am I going wrong?
无处不在!你完成了。请记住,变量名称并不重要。这是重要的结构。名称 f
或 x2
无意义。它只是如何使用它们。 1的教会数字是
Nowhere! You're done. Remember, the variable names aren't important; it's the structure that is important. The names f
or x2
aren't meaningful. It only matters how they are used. The Church numeral for 1 is
λf. λx. f x
and you have
λx2. (λx1. x2 x1)
重命名 x2
至 f
和 x1
至 x
Rename x2
to f
and x1
to x
and voilà! You have
λf. (λx. f x)
= λf. λx. f x