



  class MyTask extends TimerTask {

static Color coal1 = new Color(255,255,255);
int xRock,yRock;

MyTask(Robot r,int x,int y){
this.robot = r;
this.xRock = x;
this.yRock = y;

public void run(){
java.awt.Color c = this.robot.getPixelColor(this.xRock,this.yRock);
System.out.println(c before the:+ c);
System.out.println(coal 1 before the:+ coal1);

if(c.equals(coal1)){//我不能得到c从另一个类到compair with coal1
System.out.println(color is the same );
else {
System.out.println(c后的if:+ c);
System.out.println(coal1 after:+ coal1);
System.out.println(color changed);

  c在if:java.awt.Color [r = 225,g = 225,b = 225] 
煤1前的if:java.awt.Color [r = 255,g = 255,b = 255]
c之后if:java.awt.Color [r = 225,g = 225,b = 225 ]
coal1 after:java.awt.Color [r = 255,g = 255,b = 255]


根据你的输出,他们是不一样的。 c 的红色,绿色和蓝色组件为225,而 coal1 的组件为255。 >

Color.equals(Color o)比较在您的情况下不一样的RGB值

Okay the color I have set in the variable C is equal to the variable in coal1, but when put through an if statement it comes back that they are not equal. I've debugged it with print lines and the result is weird to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


class MyTask extends TimerTask {

    static Color coal1 = new Color(255, 255, 255);
    Robot robot;
    int xRock, yRock;

    MyTask(Robot r, int x, int y) {
        this.robot = r;
        this.xRock = x;
        this.yRock = y;

    public void run() {
        java.awt.Color c = this.robot.getPixelColor(this.xRock, this.yRock);
        System.out.println("c before the if: "+c);
        System.out.println("coal 1 before the if: "+coal1);

        if (c.equals(coal1)) {  //I can not get the c from the other class to compair with coal1
            System.out.println("color is the same");
        else {
            System.out.println("c after the if: "+ c);
            System.out.println("coal1 after the if: "+coal1);
            System.out.println("color changed");

            //Stop Timer.

When I run it i get

c before the if: java.awt.Color[r=225,g=225,b=225]
coal 1 before the if: java.awt.Color[r=255,g=255,b=255]
c after the if: java.awt.Color[r=225,g=225,b=225]
coal1 after the if: java.awt.Color[r=255,g=255,b=255]
color changed

According to your output, they are not the same. c's red, green, and blue components are 225, while coal1's components are 255.

Color.equals(Color o) compares the RGB values which in your case are not the same


08-07 10:02