本文介绍了Fabric Composer的Bluemix区块链服务错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用Fabric Composer v0.7.0,我已将业务网络部署到Bluemix(v0.6)上的区块链服务.

Using fabric composer v0.7.0 I have deployed a business network to a Blockchain service on Bluemix (v0.6).


After the app runs for a while I get the following error:

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._receiveStatus (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:169:8)

有时在执行composer network deploy命令时也会发生这种情况.

This sometimes happens when executing the composer network deploy command as well.



  1. 您可能(可能应该)运行您的应用程序的多个实例,因此当一个崩溃时,另一个实例仍在运行以接管工作.
  2. 在每个链码调用之前调用BusinessNetworkConnection.connect()以重新创建事件中心连接. 请注意,这并不是很有效,因为建立连接需要一段时间
  1. You could (probably should) have multiple instances of your application running so when one crashes another is still running to take over.
  2. Calling BusinessNetworkConnection.connect() before every chaincode invoke to recreate the event hub connection. Please note that this is not very efficient, as making the connection takes a while


If the error occurs when deploying with the composer-cli you may want to try executing the command again after a minute or so.

在设定的时间间隔内调用BusinessNetworkConnection.ping()不会解决此问题,因为该问题是由事件中心引起的,并且事件仅在实际事务中发布. ping()是只读链码查询,不会创建事务.

Calling BusinessNetworkConnection.ping() during a set interval will not help with the issue because the problem is caused by the event hub, and events are only published on actual transactions. ping() is a read-only chaincode query that does not create a transaction.

这篇关于Fabric Composer的Bluemix区块链服务错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 11:32