


I have a query using Laravel's Eloquent and I need a where clause that will get the data from the last 8 hours since the current timestamp. I can easily do that in a raw query like:

SELECT * FROM task_tracker.tasks WHERE created_at > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -8 HOUR);

但是如何以一个雄辩的格式呢? tasks.created_at 是日期时间格式。我目前有这个:

But how do I do that in an eloquent format? The tasks.created_at is a Datetime Format. I have this currently:

$tasks = Task::join('users', 'tasks.added_by', '=', 'users.id')
        ->join('users AS x', 'x.id', '=', 'tasks.assigned_to')
          'x.name AS assign',
         // ])->where('tasks.created_at', '>', 'DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -8 HOUR)');
          ])->where(DB::raw('tasks.created_at', '=', 'DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -8 HOUR)' ));


我尝试使用 DB :: raw 在一个单引号(注释行)中的简单encloure,但不工作,不获取任何数据。我使用MySQL。

I tried using DB::raw and a plain encloure in a single quote (the commented line) but does not work and doesn't get any data. I am using MySQL.


DB :: raw 有一个参数所以尝试 whereRaw 就像这样:

DB::raw has one parameter so try whereRaw like this:

- > whereRaw('tasks.created_at = DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -8 HOUR)


10-31 22:08