本文介绍了Yii2 翻译动态内容的最佳实践的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


任何人都可以分享自己的经验和使用 Yii2 实现多语言网站的最佳实践吗?我想翻译存储在数据库中的用户输入.例如文章,它的名称可能是三种不同的语言、正文和一些可翻译的属性.

Can anyone share own experience and best practices implementing multilingual sites with Yii2? I want translate user input that is stored in database. For example article, that may have its name in three different languages, body and some translatable attributes as well.

Yii2 是否有内置功能来翻译动态内容?或者我应该使用像下面这样的第三方扩展程序:

Does Yii2 have built in features to translate the dynamic content? Or should I use third party extensions like these ones below:







Well, I can give you my point of view only based on what I have done.


  1. 使用 i18n 和消息系统管理的非动态字符串来自yii,这将帮助您处理静态内容.
  2. 使用引导类动态处理翻译后的路由,允许您在构建应用程序时构建此路由.
  3. 处理包含支持翻译的列的表格,如title_en、title_es",以及您需要翻译的数量.实际上,在您的管理界面中,您可能希望使用 yandex 之类的工具来帮助您将内容转换为该字段.


i18n 消息翻译是基于在您的视图、模型中以及在某些情况下(例如在引导类中)翻译字符串.

The i18n Message Translation is based on translating strings in your views, models, and in some cases like on the bootstrapped class.

您将使用 Yii::t('app/main', 'Your name is {0}' 作为示例来翻译存储在消息 php 文件中的字符串.

You will en using Yii::t('app/main', 'Your name is {0}' as an example to translate strings that are stored on message php files.

现在,如果您翻译 stings,您将需要翻译路线,因此当您更改语言时,您将使用/articles 和/articulos 等路线.为此,您需要构建一个实现 BootstrapInterface 的类,并将在引导应用程序的过程中调用该类.

Now if you translate stings you will want to translate the routes so you will en with routes like /articles and /articulos when you change the language.for this purpose you will like to build a class that implements BootstrapInterface and that will be called from the process of bootstrapping your app.

这是我用于此目的的 settings.php 的示例

So this is an example of my settings.php that I use for this

namespace app\base;

use Yii;
use yii\base\BootstrapInterface;

class settings implements BootstrapInterface {

    public function __construct() { }

    public function bootstrap($app) {

        /// Dynamic translated routes

        $t_articles = Yii::t('app/route', 'articles');

            '/'.$t_articles => '/articles',
        ], false);


And remember to bootstrap the class in your config file «i.e. web.php»

'bootstrap' => [


And finally to translate text from the database you may want to make a table that supports the translated text like:

CREATE TABLE articles (
   id INT,
   title_en VARCHAR(20),
   title_es VARCHAR(20)


So when you call your app you can pull your data using something like the following on the action (only a simple example):

$articles = ArticlesA::find()->where(['id' => 1])->one();
$lang = $this->module->language;
return $thi


s->render('index',['articles'=>$articles, 'lang'=>$lang]);


<p class="lead"><?=$articles['title_'.$lang]?></p>


I hope this explains the way I have been translating my apps.

这篇关于Yii2 翻译动态内容的最佳实践的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-05 00:30