

package main

type Writeable interface {
    OnWrite() interface{}

type Result struct {
    Message string

func (r *Result) OnWrite() interface{} {
    return r.Message

// what does this line mean? what is the purpose?
var _ Writeable = (*Result)(nil)

func main() {



The comments in the code snippet expressed my confusion.As I understood, the line with comment notifies the compiler to check whether a struct has implemented the interface, but I am not sure very much. Could someone help explaining the purpose?


正如您所说,这是一种验证Result实现Writeable的方法.从 GO常见问题解答:

As you say it's a way to verify that Result implements Writeable. From the GO FAQ:

type T struct{}
var _ I = T{}   // Verify that T implements I.


The blank identifier _ stands for the variable name which is not needed here (and thus prevents a "declared but not used" error).

(*Result)(nil)通过转换 nil到Result的值的未初始​​化指针>.这样可以避免像new(Result)&Result{}那样为空结构分配内存.

(*Result)(nil) creates an uninitialized pointer to a value of type Result by converting nil to *Result. This avoids allocation of memory for an empty struct as you'd get with new(Result) or &Result{}.


06-06 19:49