

我知道这是一个常见的问题,但是尽管在IntelliJ IDEA中将 mysql-connector 添加到我的库中,IDE仍然无法找到该类。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的,我已经将 mysql-connector jar添加为我的项目的库,但它似乎没有看到它存在:

I know this is a common question, but despite adding mysql-connector to my library in IntelliJ IDEA, the IDE still can't seem to locate the class. As you can see in the screenshots below, I have added the mysql-connector jar as a library for my project, yet it doesn't seem to see that it is present:


I haven't been able to find a solution other than 'add the library to the project'. It seems as though there is a missing step somewhere...



You will also need to add the library as a dependency to the module that needs it.

选择项目设置>模块。选择需要库的模块(在您的情况下,您的项目中似乎只有一个模块, ChatBot )。选择依赖关系选项卡。单击+按钮并选择 Library ... )。最后,选择您添加到项目中的 mysql-connector .. 库。

Choose Project Settings > Modules. Select the Module that needs the library (in your case it seems like you have only one module in your project, ChatBot). Select the Dependencies tab. Click the '+' button and choose Library...). Finally, select the mysql-connector.. library that you added to the project.

编辑:我现在看到这根本不是你的问题。您的代码的问题是您从 Class.forName()中有一个未处理的异常。该方法可以抛出已检查的异常: ClassNotFoundException ,必须通过添加 catch 或添加<$ c来处理$ c>将ClassNotFoundException 抛出到 getConnection()的方法签名。

I see now that this wasn't your problem at all. The problem with your code is that you have an unhandled exception from Class.forName(). The method can throw the checked exception: ClassNotFoundException, which must be handled by adding a catch or by adding throws ClassNotFoundException to the method signature of getConnection().


In such cases with error in the code, the easiest way to figure out what's wrong to simply move the caret to the code with the red squigly line and see what IDEA says in the bottom status bar. Alternatively you can hover the mouse pointer above it and the error message is presented as a popup.


08-18 09:08