本文介绍了Android的 - 显示处理相机preVIEW的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正尝试建立某种形式的AR(增强现实),但我不知道我究竟能获取preVIEW从手机摄像头逐帧,处理每一帧作为位图,比显示它在我的SurfaceView 。我的出发点是相机preVIEW SDK的例子。

i´m trying to create some kind of AR (Augmented Reality), but i don´t know how exactly can I get preview from phone camera frame by frame, process each frame as a bitmap and than show it in my SurfaceView. My starting point is CameraPreview SDK example.


1),得到相机帧/位图(我猜,i'll需要取消从YUV code画幅为RGB喜欢这里:<一href=\"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4768165/android-problem-whith-converting-$p$pview-frame-to-bitmap\">Android - 蒙山问题转换preVIEW帧位图)

1) get frame/bitmap from camera (i guess, i´ll need to decode picture from YUV to RGB like here: Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap)



与Android相机 图像处理

Finally, i found what i was looking for in this post:Image processing with android camera

这篇关于Android的 - 显示处理相机preVIEW的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!