


myset = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
mydict = {item: (yield ''.join([item, 's'])) for item in myset}


['as', 'cs', 'bs', 'ds', {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None, 'd': None}]

这里发生了什么? yield的作用是什么?不管yield后面是什么表达式,这种行为都是一致的吗?

What happens here? What does yield do? And is this behavior consistent no matter what expression follows yield?

注意:我知道做mydict = {item: ''.join([item, 's']) for item in myset}会得到字典{'a': 'as', 'b': 'bs', 'c': 'cs', 'd': 'ds'},这似乎是我在这里尝试做的事情.

Note: I know that doing mydict = {item: ''.join([item, 's']) for item in myset} would give the dictionary {'a': 'as', 'b': 'bs', 'c': 'cs', 'd': 'ds'}, which seems to be what I am trying to do here.



First of all, what does yield return? The answer in this case is None, because yield returns the parameter passed to next(), which is nothing in this case (list doesn't pass anything to next).


>>> myset = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
>>> mydict = {item: (yield ''.join([item, 's'])) for item in myset}
>>> mydict
<generator object <dictcomp> at 0x0222BB20>


The dict comprehension is turned into a generator, because you used yield in a function body context! This means that the whole thing isn't evaluated until it's passed into list.


  1. list调用next(mydict).
  2. Yield将''.join([item, 's'])返回到list并冻结了理解.
  3. list调用next(mydict).
  4. 继续理解,并将yield(None)的结果分配给字典中的item并开始新的理解迭代.
  5. 回到1.
  1. list calls next(mydict).
  2. Yield returns ''.join([item, 's']) to list and freezes the comprehension.
  3. list calls next(mydict).
  4. The comprehension resumes and assigns the result of yield (None) to item in the dictionary and starts a new comprehension iteration.
  5. Go back to 1.


And at last the actual generator object returns the temporary in the body, which was the dict. Why this happens is unknown to me, and it's probably not documented behaviour either.


09-16 06:50