

我迷上了鼠标和键盘,以侦听安装程序安装过程中执行的事件.First Admin需要安装程序,该程序需要大量安装在连接的客户端上.
因此,管理员运行服务器,该服务器挂接鼠标和键盘事件,同时软件的垂直安装和管理员为屏幕截图选择唯一的屏幕区域,以便稍后在客户端安装过程中进行匹配,以确定是否已到达特定形式,然后模拟键或单击其他按钮,直到屏幕截图匹配. (例如,下一个表格仅在单击下一步"按钮之后才出现,然后模拟点击或击键)


1)好吧,我知道使用组策略对象可能会发生同样的事情,但是它只能安装msi程序包,而不能安装exe安装程序...因此它们需要先转换为msi. . (所有免费程序都是从exe到msi的简单转换程序,但转换后的msi仍会在安装过程中向客户询问是否存在任何错误情况)&ofourour您需要购买Windows Server许可证的域控制器PC,这对于印度来说是不可能的学校,网吧,慈善信托基金..


3)Codeplex上的White Framework不错,但有时在安装时仍会进行环聊.


Hi friends, I am making program to automate software installation in C#.
I hooked mouse & keyboard to listen events performed while setup installs..
First Admin needs to install program which need to be mass installed on connected clients.
So admin runs Server which hooks mouse & keyboard events while perticular installation of software & admin selects unique screen region for screenshot to later matched on client installation process to determine whether specific form has arrived, only then simulate key or click else wait until screenshot matches..(eg.next form came after clicking on Next Button only then simulate click or Keystrokes)

Correct me if i am wrong..plz..

1) Well i know same thing can be possible with Group policy object but it can only install msi packages not the exe setups... so they need to be converted to msi first.. i googed free programs for this conversion but none are free. ( All free programs are just simple exe to msi converters but that converted msi still ask clients something while installing if any error condition is there) & ofcource u need to purchase windows Server licence for domain controller pc''s this will not possible for Indian Schools,Cybercafe''s,Charitable Trusts..

2) There is no free program to do this task perfectly AutoIT,AutoHotkey tries it well but not every time it succeeds.

3) White Framework on Codeplex is nice but still hangouts sometimes while installing..

So this way is ok? or there is any other way to do this ( i want to automate exe,msi ondemand unattended installation)



08-14 15:50