



我正在使用TFS 2013,我无法在工作项中进行变更集的关联。

I'm using TFS 2013 and i can't do a association of changeset in work item.

我使用命令进行合并  tf:  tf merge / recursive / version:C84719~C84719" $ / SC / Codigo / Homologacao"
" $ / SC / Codigo / Producao"

成功检查绕过政策:  tf checkin / r / comment:" testeAutomacao" ; / bypass / noprompt

我制作了一个"历史字段"记录变更集:  tfpt workitem / update / $ / SC / Codigo / Homologacao
22405  / fields:" History = Associated to changeset 84629"

但是现在我需要将变更集与WI相关联并自行链接。命令关联已过时,在TFS 2013中无效。我无法相信2017年在命令行中无效。

But nowm i need to associate the changeset with WI and link themselves. Command -associated is out of date and not works in TFS 2013. I can't believe in year of 2017 nothing works in command line.



tfpt workitem / update /

tfpt workitem /update /

此命令不可用于关联在TFS 2013及更高版本中将变更设置为工作项。

This command is not available to associate changeset to work item in TFS 2013 and later version.

为什么我考虑使用命令来实现此目的?如果需要自动运行命令,则可以使用TFS API。有关于将工作项链接到变更集的链接:

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35874576/how-to-associate-an-work-item-as-associate-or-resolve- in-visual-studio-tfs-a


But If you just want to do this manually, in web portal work item UI, you could easily add a link to a the specific changeset as the link type and the changeset will show the link as well.


07-05 08:11